Thursday, February 22, 2024

thursday 22

thursday 22



.image below: title: 'study in green' 











.dream: in the back of a parked van, working on cleaning out an engine, a 

small internal muffler piece has rust in the inside, i'm wiping out the rust with 

toilet paper, have a long band of toilet paper strung up in the van, engine parts 

on the hanging toilet paper, 


.two guys approach, put down two pokémon cards, say something about me 

stealing, i didn't steal these cards, it was a different two that i stole, end scene, 


.in a shared bedroom, three or four beds, i'm on the back bed, a lady says she 

needs some room to make a phone call, i move up to the next bed, a lady lies down 

next to me, our legs touch, lady has a tube of liquid soap, says she wants to 

get some soap to lather on my right knee, end dream 



.a - in the back of a parked van 

b - engine i'm working on                         c - toilet paper and internal mufflers 


d - two guys                                               e - two pokémon cards 

f - shared bedroom                                     g - door to hall 


h - beds                                                       i - me and lady, legs touching 

j - lady on phone                                        k - tube of liquid soap 




.image below: rusted internal muffler dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: engine and toilet paper and internal mufflers and pokémon cards detail 





.image below: tube of liquid soap and my right knee detail 











.wake up 




.image below: title: 'moving concrete' 




.     4         24          2474724         2           72          7       44272         47          247     




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