Tuesday, February 6, 2024

tuesday 06

tuesday 06



.image below: title: 'purple on red' 





.dream: driveway of house, grandparents leaving, i run up on wall, fly up, a new kind of 

body flight navigation system is in effect, i fly up above the trees, a point of interest is 

identified below, i fly down to this point, yellow and red lightning, end scene, 


.on a submarine, k.s asks about fingernail clippers, i go up one level, bathroom with a 

bunch of naked people, a guy has some fingernail clippers, i give him another pair, 

i'm being whipped on the backs of my knees, go up one more level, 


.on a ferry boat, third level, i'm naked, less people up here, they have clothes on, 

tell me i need to go back down to level two, i go down to an intermediate ferry boat level, 

lady near window, i move over towards her, end scene, 


.riding in the back of a van, i'd like to write down some notes, mother and aunt in front, 

aunt driving, want to ask for my notebook, approaching a downhill bridge, don't want to 

bother them, they need to focus on the road for going over the bridge, i turn back around, 


.want to write some notes, grab a yellow piece of paper, light rail ticket something, 

start to write, paper is more orange now, pen is pinkish, end dream 



.a - grandparents                         b - running on wall 

c - tops of trees                           d - point of interest 


e - me and k.r                             f - large bathroom, naked people 

g - guy with fingernail clippers 

h - third floor, ferry boat             i - people with clothes 


j - lady at window                       k - me taking notes in back of vehicle 

l - mother and aunt                      m - downhill bridge 




.image below: body flight scene detail 





.image below: fingernail clippers detail 





.image below: notes on paper detail, true color approximation 






.dream: guy with a javelin and a lady spinning around and around, opening ceremony to 

an olympic games, end scene, 


.in an art museum, dark shiny wood flooring, paintings of the map of alaska on wall, 

enter into offices area, university of washington financial services offices, people 

at desk, i move along, lady, door, go outside, a lady's severed head is on the ground, 

look into her eyes, blue, this lady has seen more sunrises and sunsets on an alien 

planet than anyone else, right before the planet died, the sun turn blue and froze in the sky, 


.the lady's husband appears, her eyes fill with fear, a large chested woman walks 

by, i follow her into a room, one other lady present, i lift up the chesty woman's 

shirt, suck on left tit, good nipple, suck on right tit, nipple almost chokes me, 

end scene, 


.on top of a cabinet in an office, two women on a computer below me, i take some 

paper, write my name and uw ID on it, give paper to lady, she asks me to come down 

from cabinet, i do so, handstand on ground, stand up, naked except for a 

black plastic bag around my right hip, end scene, 


.walking outside, movie theater on right, people, one guy is speaking turkish, 

'...şey... yok...' he says, another guy is singing, 'what do you want to know 

about my life' he sings, i move along, left turn, i have a water gun, spray some 

water, thirsty guy on the left, i unscrew gun, drink water, sour water, no good, 


.i was walking with c.l but now she's gone, lady with white spandex and a deer tail 

with her legs spread above me, bathroom building up ahead, end dream 



.a - guy with javelin and lady 

b - art museum                             c - alaska painting 


d - university of washingron financial services offices 

e - people at desk                          f - lady 

g - door to outside                         h - severed head 


i - me and chesty lady                    j - other lady 

k - top of cabinet                            l - two women on computer 

m - me                                            n - people in front of movie theater 


o - guy speaking turkish                 p - guy singing 

q - thirsty guy                                 r - me with squirt gun 


s - lady in white spandex with deer tail 

t - bathroom building 




.image below: deer tail lady dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: lady's head with blue eyes detail 





.image below: office cabinet scene detail 





.image below: squirt gun detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/dream-06-feb-2024/




.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-06-feb-2024




.wake up




.image below: title: 'a message in a bottle thrown out to sea' 




.         4        34          3494394          3           93          9        39943        49          349     




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