Sunday, February 4, 2024

sunday 04

sunday 04



.image below: title: 'purple on green' 





.dream: riding in a vehicle, looking up and to the left, familiar tree line, repeats, end scene, 


.riding in a white van, aunt driving, g.h in van as well, on a highway, large road sign 

overhead, 'rucce' is reads, steep down hill, driving, now we're going the wrong way 

down a one way street, a black car hits up and spins out wildly, repeat the highway 



.now we're driving below the road we were just on, gravel like surface, following a 

grey race car, approaching an important transition curve that bridges two roads, 

the grey race car successfully makes the turn, aunt's turn to try, she can't make it 

past this transition curve, 'why can't i make it' she says, 


.it isn't possible to make this curve in the white van with aunt driving and 

me and g.h as passengers, the only way to make this turn is with a race car 

with only a driver and no passengers and going real slow, end dream 



.a - familiar tree line                     b - white van 

c - overhead road sign                   d - steep down hill 


e - wrong way in a one way          f - black car spinning out 

g - lower race car route                 h - transition curve 




.image below: one way street and race route scene detail 






.dream: two guys doing puzzles on a table, i walk by, do some of a puzzle myself, end scene, 


.running in a park with a dog, three laps, cat up top, lady at a snow door, end scene, 


.outside a house, want to get some ice skates, inside house, sitting by an internal wall, 

other people in room, view of upstairs room, a sister and her younger brother, the 

sister kicked the brother out of her room, brother found lodging elsewhere, 


.tangent scene, a lady leaves a mall wearing no pants but carrying grey pants, her 

husband arrives in a car, he has three food items, pringles, the lady puts on 

the grey pants and enters car, husband gives her the pringles, he has some 

top ramen for himself, end tangent scene, 


.white board, notes from the house scene, end scene, 


.running outside, ice sheet forms an outer boundary, teachers and kids here, 

i go up some stairs, in a school, kids running inside, some guy is peeing in 

a side bathroom, someone says they need urine from one particular guy downstairs, 

the guy peeing can reproduce the urine from anyone in the school, 


.spanish speaking student on my right, named hector, i start to speak to him in 

spanish, 'usted habla español... lo habla diariamente con tu... su familia ...',


.[do you speak spanish... every day with your family]


.hector responds very slowly in broken english, tells me that all his 

relatives are heterosexual, end dream 



.a - guys doing puzzle                     b - me 

c - running with dog in park            d - cat 


e - lady at snow door                        f - outside a house 

g - inside a house                              h - lady and boy in upper level 

i - lady with grey pants                     j - her husband in car 


k - notes on board                             l - ice boundary outside 

m - stairs up to school                       n - kids running in school 

o - spanish speaking student 




.image below: running with dog in park dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: dog in park scene detail 





.image below: lady with grey pants and her husband in car detail 















.wake up




.image below: title: 'a message, a cuneiform inscription on clay tablet message' 




.       8        38        3898938           3            93          9       88393        89         398 




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