Sunday, February 11, 2024

sunday 11

sunday 11



.image below: title: 'white on orange' 





.dream: walking down some concrete steps outside a building, walking on the ground outside, 

aggressive dog on leash approaches, bites at my left hand, more people and dogs up 

ahead, end scene, 


.on the bottom floor of a house with high ceilings, a large plastic tarp has opened up 

near the ceiling, two guys with tape up above, the rolls of tape come down to where i 

am below, i throw up one roll of tape to the first guy, catch, try and throw up the 

second roll of tape to the other guy, miss, try again, catch, 


.i go over to a side room where some guy is working on something, end dream 



.a - concrete steps down                             b - me 

c - aggressive dog on leash                        d - more people and dogs 


e - tarp in house with high ceiling             f - guy with tape 

g - another guy with tape                           h - stairs up 

i - guy in side room 




.image below: large plastic tarp dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: aggressive dog bites at my left hand detail 





.image below: large plastic tarp and tape in high ceiling house detail 






.dream: walking in a public building, kid and guy up ahead, guy says kid needs to pee, i'm 

to take kid to bathroom, walking with kid to bathroom, l.y approaches from other direction, 

me and l.y and kid enter bathroom, kid goes off to one side, l.y begins to pee in 

large trough urinal, women at mirrors, end scene, 


.in an empty classroom with a teacher, nothing going on, perspective shift, some 

students in class now, military language school intro classes, two students 

have six or seven years left on their contracts, one guy has only ten months left, 

he spent a lot of time in boot camp, end scene, 


.night time, double sun is setting, red moon, moon shifts back and forth between the 

setting suns about seven times before the suns fall below the horizon, 


.now that the suns have set, the red moon pops up about fourteen times on the 

horizon, it's all an optical illusion, just that time of year when the sun and moon 

line up in a funny way, end dream 



.a - kid and guy                                 b - me

c - l.y peeing                                     d - trough urinal 


e - women at mirrors                         f - me and teacher in classroom 

g - perspective shift                           h - me 

i - students with six years on contract 


j - student with ten months on contract 

k - double setting sun                        l - moon 

m - horizon 




.image below: red moon dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: trough urinal detail 





.image below: red moon and double sun set detail 















.wake up




.image below: title: 'bright green with bright green on dark red' 




.      5        35        3565365        3        63        6        35536        56       365        




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