Tuesday, February 20, 2024

tuesday 20

tuesday 20



.image below: title: 'study in red' 







.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-20-feb-2024




.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/02/20/dream-20-feb-2024/




.dream: approach a large woman, i used to lift this lady up all the time, she's heavier now 

and i'm tired, can't pick her up anymore, 


.in a bedroom now, brother enters, leaves, comes back in naked, leaves again, i'm 

looking at some shark toys, mother and aunt talking downstairs, end scene, 


.on mother's bed, small black cat, i pet it, several larger cats on floor, i pet them as 

well, another cat shedding on end of bed, i pet this cat too, end scene, 


.medieval times, i have a joust, a medieval jousting competition is about to 

go down, a knight is a full suit of armor presents himself, i slide under a sink 

to get ready to joust, squire on a chair, end scene, 


.a cable is attached to a large tree, two women are using this cable to workout under 

the supervision of an exercise trainer lady, end dream 



.a - me and lady i used to lift up 

b - me in room, shark toys                 c - brother 


d - mother and aunt downstairs          e - me on mother's bed 

f - cats                                                 g - knight in full armor 

h - me under sink                                i - squire 


j - two women working out                k - me 

l - tree and cable                                 m - exercise trainer lady 




.image below: petting cats on mother's bed dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: shark toys detail 





.image below: cats in mother's room detail 





.image below: medieval knight in full body armor detail 






.wake up




.notes on the street 




.a short interview with dddurb: 


.q: 'what about proof reading...'


....a: 'mmm hmmm'


.q: 'what about revisions and drafts ...'


....a: 'whatever'


.q: 'what about punctuation and grammar ...'


....a: 'fuck all that shit'


.end result: fail - horrible fail 




.image below: title: 'wheat shadow with red and green' 




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