Saturday, February 24, 2024

saturday 24

saturday 24



.image below: title: 'study in grey' 





.dream: movement down hill, turn, person at bottom of hill, female, straight 

black hair of chin length, bangs, end dream 






.dream: in a college dorm, round cat like a ball on the floor, pet it, go around to a 

guy, small cabinet item, i leave some orange sunglasses there, assemble the small 

cabinet, two bottom drawers, middle section is already in place, put on top piece, 

end scene, 


.forgotten scene, van something, end scene, 


.in a house, note and money from mother, i leave note and money by wall, j.r in 

room, i go over by table, legos, too many to fit into small box, end scene, 


.moving on a track by a blue building, guy walking, enter into building, two 

nurses, admit area for a mental hospital, mother and l.y have had me come 

here, i don't want this, need to be in school, 


.i go down some stairs, putting soap in my hair, end scene, 


.skateboarding down a hill, some guy skating in front of me, we get to 

bottom of hill, guy tries to grind a high flat rail, doesn't land it, end dream 



.a - college dorm                             b - round cat 

c - orange sunglasses and small cabinet 


d - forgotten scene, van something 

e - note and money from mother 


f - j.r                                                 g - me 

h - legos on table                              i - on a moving track 


j - blue building                                k - two nurses and me 

l - mental hospital admit area           m - soaping up my hair in downstairs bathroom 


n - skateboarding down a hill           o - guy skating in front of me 

p - rail 




.image below: blue building dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: round cat detail 





.image below: orange sunglasses detail 





.image below: small cabinet item detail 





.image below: blue building detail 











.dream: forgotten scene, military aircraft something, end scene, 


.walk down some stairs, basement area of a house, lady in a room, she says 

'now that we're all alone, are you going to beat me ..', 


.'with what ...' i reply and leave room, i go into other room, this lady is 

weirding me out a bit, she comes into room, realizes i'm not going to beat her, 

says her life is much better now, end dream 



.a - forgotten scene, military aircraft something 

b - stairs down in house                         c - lady in room 

d - i go to other room                             e - lady comes into room i'm in 





.wake up




.image below: title: 'white with black on blue' 




.       5        45           4575475          4         74            7      54774        57         475      




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