Thursday, February 15, 2024

thursday 15

thursday 15



.image below: title: 'study in orange' 





.dream: walking in a police office with a guy, i want to show him the magic elevator, 

it takes you right to my apartment, i have a key to the magic elevator, approach the 

elevator, a smaller guy entered room and then left, i have him come back in, 


.a science guy behind a counter asks if me and the two guys are all going in the 

elevator, i say that we all live together, science guy then starts talking about 

all kinds of food that will be served, i'm eating shrimp in a bowl of butter garlic 

sauce, end dream 



.a - police office                             b - hallway 

c - me and guy                               d - magic elevator 


e - smaller guy                               f - police woman 

g - guy talking about food 




.image below: magic elevator scene detail 





.image below: shrimp in garlic butter sauce detail 















.dream: spinning two pair of black toy nunchucks, end scene, 


.on my hands and knees in a room, i exited from some dark water and 

am drying off, shirt on, friend's brother, a.s, has just exited the dark water 

and gets on his hands and knees on my left to dry off, he has no shirt on, 


.some science guy is in front of us, mentions that it will take a long time to 

dry off, 


.a.s was trying to influence a reindeer herd, he then did nothing but the 

reindeer herd was not influenced, end dream 



.a - me                             b - nunchucks 

c - dark water pool          d - me drying off, shirt on


e - a.s drying off, no shirt on 

f - science guy 




.image below: drying off after exiting dark water detail 






.wake up 




.image below: title: 'bright green with yellow on green' 




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