Friday, February 23, 2024

friday 23

friday 23



.image below: title: 'study in brown' 





.dream: in a college dorm, stove was left on, smoke, i turn off stove, move my blanket, 

trying to clean up, end scene, 


.in a classroom, teacher lady says to write a three or four page story, guy on my 

left has trouble with stories, says he can only write stuff in the first person with 'i', 

i tell him to imagine someone is throwing a baseball at him, 

'once upon a time' something, end scene, 


.in a car with two people, car parks, people get out, i'd like to stay in car, heater is 

on and tv on, a red haired lady is talking about college classes, end scene, 


.in a room, scuffle between two guys, one guy comes to table, puts down some 

pins, pens as well, retractable pens, end dream 



.a - me in college dorm                     b - stove 

c - smoke                                           d - blanket 


e - me in classroom                           f - teacher lady 

g - students                                        h - guy who has trouble writing stories 


i - me in parked car                           j - two people exit car 

k - red haired college lady                 l - me at table 

m - scuffle                                          n - pins and pens on table 




.image below: retractable pen detail 















.dream: in a room, k.s has my skateboard, no wheels, he's trying to tighten down 

an axle nut on the truck, nut is on crooked, i tell him he needs to take off 

the nut and put it on straight, 


.k.s doesn't listen and tightens down the nut, strips the threads on the axel, i tell 

him he's done, walk over to him, he leaves, end dream 



.a - me 

b - k.s

c - skateboard 




.image below: skateboard truck and axel nut detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'the necessity of blue' 




.       6        06        0686086        0        80          8       08660       68         608      




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