Saturday, February 3, 2024

saturday 03

saturday 03



.image below: title: 'orange on red' 





.dream: a large shark bumps into a smaller shark and swallows it, end dream 






.dream: looking at a door, three numbered cubes on bottom of door, looking at 

the far right cube, some lady says the number is four one five, from my angle looks 

like six six nine, bunks in bedroom beyond door, end scene, 


.<<begin sexual content advisory>>


.hulk hogan is in a bedroom doing one legged dead lifts, two muscular women are 

naked on the floor, they suggest to hulk hogan that he do a cock workout, hulk 

hogan comes down on the floor and begins to fuck one of the muscle women, 


.another random muscle man is fucking the other muscle woman, hulk hogan and 

the random muscle man simultaneously ejaculate in unison, end scene, 


.<<end sexual content advisory>>


.enter into a house, a guy is in a bedroom and sleeping in a camper, i slip a 

note to him under the side of the camper, end dream 



.a - three cubes on door                             b - lady 

c - me                                                         d - bunk beds in room 


e - hulk hogan                                            f - two muscle women 

g - muscle man                                           h - guy sleeping in camper 

i - me 




.image below: door with numbered cubes detail 





.image below: numbered cube on right detail 






.dream: in the hallway of a university linguistics department office, meeting in progress in 

room on the right, paper in hall, names of recent graduates, three days off in april, 

one is april sixteenth, end scene, 


.entrance to a large bathroom, naked lady enters bathroom, two women watch her 

enter, more naked people in hall, end scene, 


.an echidna is in a river, a predatory animal is on the river bank and biting the 

face of the echidna in the river, end scene, 


.at a snack bar, order a large blue slushee, lady says it comes with a plum, gives me 

a plum, i order a large iced coffee, lady gives me an apple, end dream 



.a - linguistics office hallway 

b - meeting in progress                     c - recent grads and days off in april 


d - bathroom entrance                       e - naked lady 

f - two women                                   g - naked people 


h - echidna in river                             i - predatory animal 

j - me                                                  k - snack bar worker lady 

l - drinks and fruit 




.image below: echidna in river and predatory animal on river bank detail 





.image below: blue slushee with plum and iced coffee with apple detail 











.wake up


.run (two notebooks)


.image below: title: 'a message, a telepathic mind message' 




.       3         23         2353253         2          52        5        33252       35        253      




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