Thursday, February 8, 2024

thursday 08

thursday 08



.image below: title: 'pink on yellow' 





.dream: bathroom train car, people waiting in line, some are ghosts, end scene, 


.looking at a cell phone, native salish word on top right, below says {activity} or 

{action} or something, 


.a gate falls over, a guy is holding a large bow and arrow, judgement guy, another 

guy is being judged, end dream 



.a - bathroom train car                     b - people in line 

c - toilet area                                    d - me 


e - cell phone with native american salish word 

f - gate falls over                             g - judgement guy with large bow and arrow

h - person being judged 




.image below: judgement bow and arrow dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: cell phone and judgement detail 











.dream: walking across a street, sunny and bright, concerned about sun burn, wearing 

two t-shirts, red over white, take off white shirt, wrap it around my head, now 

shirt on head is red, go down to subway station, 


.brother standing near tracks, he's going to see his friend s.b, something he's saying is 

pissing me off, i leave, cross same road again, now i'm walking through several 

african gift stores, black t-shirts with yellow designs, go back outside, dark now, 

now i'm on the ground, vision has blacked out, may have been tackled, 


.get up, fly up above the trees, now i'm climbing down a tall tree head first, other 

trees around me, sports field below, come down from tree, turn left, end scene, 


.on a bus, seems like a house, lots of garbage, empty food cans, trying to clean up, 

a diver guy tries to move past me but cannot, he just got back from a deep deep dive, 

he uses some kind of overhead transport system to move past me and lies down on 

the bed in the back, diver is wearing orange pants, 


.i tell diver he may have just set a world record for deepest dive, he doesn't care, 

wants to paint, i move down to other section of bus, socks on floor, i put a black sock 

on left foot, covers up my scab, 


.several guys around me, look into one guy's eyes, his eyes turn black, hygiene bag, 

lots of little metal tools, tweezers, etc., i take a small pair of medical scissors, 

coming to my bus stop, exit bus, running outside, 


.a lady on a skateboard, board has blue-green wheels, she's headed to the subway 

station, i'm going to the same place, pass by bus station, come up to two escalators 

going up, end dream 



.a - bright and sunny                             b - brother at subway station 

c - african gift shops                             d - me on ground, vision blacked out 


e - i fly up                                              f - climbing down tree, head first 

g - sports field                                        h - skateboard bushings 


i - me and empty food cans in bus         

j - deep diving diver guy                        k - socks 


l - guys                                                    m - exit bus 

n - skater lady                                          o - bus stops at bus station 

p - entrance to subway station, two escalators going up 




.image below: african gift shops dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: t-shirts detail 





.image below: climbing down tree detail 





.image below: diver in bus detail 





.image below: socks and hygiene bag detail 





.image below: lady on skateboard detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'white with white on black' 




.      7         47          4787847          4         84          8        47748        78         748       




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