Friday, February 16, 2024

friday 16

friday 16



.image below: title: 'study in chartreuse' 





.dream: driving a van, mother with me, we're getting ready for a long road trip, drive 

by the house of the guy who currently holds the longest road trip record, driving 

slow in mud, mother needs water and rest, i spill some water, 


.mother is outside van in a mud puddle now, she pees and poops, wearing a white robe, 

mother back in van, we're all set for this long road trip, kid appears in mother's window, 

he wants to upload some stuff to snapchat of mother in the mud puddle, might make 

fifty bucks, end dream 



.a - grass outside a building                     b - me and mother in van

c - guy's house                                          d - longest road trip car 


e - i spill water                                          f - mother in mud 

g - me and mother in van, ready for road trip 

h - some kid 




.image below: mother in white robe in mud puddle detail 











.dream: look down a street, lots of people playing musical instruments, look again, 

street is empty, i've invited a guy in a pink hoodie to play a math game with me, 


.blue pillar, door way down to a club, we go down, guy sits at table, i've changed my 

mind, don't want to play a math game, 


.cabinet of games, guy approaches, 'how many guys does it take for a guy to 

dance with a girl' he asks, i go around to other side of cabinet, lady, ask her 

about math game, she mentions chutes and ladders then pulls out some 

math game card, end dream 



.a - musicians on street                             b - blue pillar with door 

c - club                                                       d - tables 

e - dance floor                                             f - shelves with games 




.image below: pink hoodie and blue pillar detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'painting a dragon' 




.      5        35         3585835          3        83        8         33858        58           385      




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