Wednesday, February 14, 2024

wednesday 14

wednesday 14



.image below: title: 'study in reddish-pink' 





.note: taking a bit of a break, notebook sketches uploaded, end note 




.dream: apparently it's my birthday, topless lady across from me, another lady has brought 

me a cake even though it's forbidden, in a room now, the inspector guy is coming, i 

hide the cake behind the door, inspector doesn't see the cake and moves right along, 

end dream 



.a - me                                 b - topless lady 

c - lady with cake                d - i hide cake behind door 

e - inspector guy 




.image below: birthday cake detail 






.dream: flying in a hallway, c.y flies up with me, perhaps we can do some aerial 

fight passes up ahead, fly up ahead, cop cars with flashing lights on, brick circle 

pattern below, two scientists comment on how me and c.y stopped at the circle 

brick area, 


.prepare for first aerial fight pass, c.y has on a flame powered jet pack and it 

rockets him full force into the ground, the flames are burning his head and neck and 

he dies, one scientist picks him up, says they won't be reviving him, 


.a guy leads me back into a square area, narrow space between two walls, he's 

getting a thin white binder of high importance, gives me the binder to give to 

some people in a meeting, guy says he needs to call DC, end dream 



.a - me flying                         b - c.y flies up with me 

c - cops in cars with flashing lights 


d - bricks in circle on ground 

e - two scientists                     f - c.y getting scorched by jet pack 

g - walking with guy in square area to get notebook 




.image below: flame powered aerial jet pack detail 















.wake up




.image below: title: 'white with light purple on black' 




.      7        67       6707067       6         06         0      67706         70         607      




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