Thursday, February 1, 2024

thursday 01

thursday 01



.image below: title: 'red on blue' 





.dream: movement in and out of compartments, then a highly intelligent banana chip 

emerges from a compartment, end dream 



.a - compartments 

b - movement 

c - highly intelligent banana chip 





.dream: just got out from an airport, in australia, fly down a grassy hill, car waiting, 

get into car, riding in the back seat, driving across a bridge, water on either side, 

entering into the downtown area of melbourne australia, tall buildings, car 

turns left, enter into an underground subway station, end scene, 


.waiting on the side of the road, pizza and root beer on table behind me, 

a kid comes up, drinks some root beer then throws the rest on the ground, 

another kid does the same, kid grabs pizza and starts to walk off, i grab kid's arm, 

tell him i want him to eat the pizza, two kids and a guy sit at table, eat pizza, 


.i tell kid he could have had the rest of the root beer, tell him that hard tactics don't 

work well with me, soft tactics work much better, i leave table, two pizzas on ground, 


.in a hotel restaurant, order an omelet, pastries and sandwiches on counter, 

one is a cake sandwich from japan, very high in calories, donald trump 

goes into the back kitchen, he's pissed about something, lady scans a big wad of 

cash, i leave area, 


.emerging on the upper floor, coming out from a very small triangular opening, 

just wide enough to get my shoulders through, not all people could get through this 

opening, especially bigger people, 


.line of large women on the left, i go right, lots of big name hollywood producers 

are sitting down, i've brought up a small ring and push pin from the lower level, 

go over to a round table, lots of pins, end dream 



.a - grassy hill outside airport                     b - car 

c - bridge over water                                   d - tall buildings in melbourne australia 


e - underground subway station                  f - me on side of road 

g - root beer and pizza on table                   h - guy and two kids eating 

i - stairs down                                              j - restaurant order area 


k - door to kitchen                                        l - pastries / sandwiches 

m - triangular opening                                  n - large women 

o - hollywood producers                               p - table with pins 




.image below: melbourne australia dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: melbourne scene detail 





.image below: pizza and root beer detail 





.image below: omelet and ring and push pins detail 















.wake up




.image below: title: 'a message, a pen and paper message' 




.           6         56          5686856         5         85          8       56658         68       586     




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