Wednesday, January 31, 2024

wednesday 31

wednesday 31



.image below: title: 'green on yellow' 











.dream: entrance to mission, pin ball machine, up stairs, bed, clean socks, 

in bed, two women, they grab my skull, right side of skull, right side of jaw, right 

eyeball and optical nerve all come into alignment, guy in window walks buy, 

bang sound, he likely fell down, large meeting table appears, i have no pencil, 

everyone else is writing, end scene, 


.sit down with a white notebook, leave area, lying down outside a door, 

new boots, submarine door, a lady is going in to learn, petty officer ritto nommo, 

they go upstairs, i leave area, 


.in a dark area, large blanket coat over white navy uniform, go on couch, guy 

sleeping on floor, young woman approaches, interested in my pencil balls, 

tells me i came here unexpectedly, 

end dream 



.a - entrance to mission                     b - pin ball machine 

c - stairs up                                        d - me in bed 


e - two women                                   f - guy in window 

g - meeting table                                h - people writing 


i - writing in white notebook              j - people 

k - at submarine entrance door           l - lady and petty officer 

m - guy sleeping                                 n - me and young woman 




.image below: socks, window, meeting table detail 





.image below: notebook, blanket coat, pencil balls detail 






.dream: running out from a cafeteria, in a building, go up to a kiosk, 

university of washington huskies merchandise, two women, t-shirts, 

leave area, exit blocked, enter office, tumble through wall, vision 

blacks out, vision returns, at a video game arcade machine, people 

at a window on my right, 


.arcade video game is about my location in the galaxy, people in window 

show me uw merchandise, t-shirt, grey hat with zebra with antlers, nature 

boy rick flair, end dream 



.a - cafeteria                                 b - two women and t-shirts 

c - no exit                                     d - office area 

e - me at arcade game                   f - people in window with merchandise 




.image below: uw merchandise dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: arcade game, hat and t-shirt detail 


.note: t-shirt is a medium and too small, end note 





.almost forgotten dream scene: dumbbell bicep curls, end scene 





.wake up




.image below: title: 'a message, a computer email message' 




.       7         37           3797397           3           93            9         37793          79         397      




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