Tuesday, January 9, 2024

tuesday 09

tuesday 09



.image set below: title: 'terrible physical pain' 





.dream: outside on a high plateau area, looking down, time seems frozen below, 

i jump down, trapped under a huge white sheet, come out from under sheet, 

walking inside a room, walking past lots of people in line, the people are all 

in a trance, 


.i start asking questions to try and snap the people out of their trance, 

'who am i...', 'where am i ...', 'what do i want ...' i ask, one guy starts to 

tap the floor, other people tap the floor as well, they're slowing coming out 

of the trance, one kid was never in a trance and is running around, 


.two tall guys tuck in the one side of the white sheet up on the wall above,

i enter into a room, burnt wooden paneling on ceiling, guy lying on floor, i 

lie next to him, guy has lost his voice, we talk for a bit, i get up, go over to a 



.n.s is sitting by window, brown sea outside, on counter are some orange 

sticky notes, i put orange sticky notes on small table by b.m, b.m goes over 

to counter, braided paper on counter, b.m is trying to braid a bunch of 

strands of paper cut into a sheet, he needs help, asks me for help, 


.b.m is holding the sheet of paper with a bunch of cuts on it, the cuts make 

little strips of paper still attached to the larger sheet, i hold the paper for 

b.m, he starts to braid the cut strands into large braids, 

'wow, b.m is a master weaver' someone says, end dream 



.a - high plateau area outside                         b - large white sheet 

c - room inside                                               d - people frozen in time 


e - me walking                                                f - people in trance 

g - kid                                                              h - guys tucking in sheet 


i - room with burnt wood ceiling                    j - guy who lost his voice 

k - n.s by window                                            l - brown sea 

m - small table                                                 n - b.m at counter 




.image below: large white sheet and braided paper dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: large white sheet detail 





.image below: braided paper on counter detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/01/09/dream-09-jan-2024/




.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-09-jan-2024




.wake up




.image below: title: 'pink and white, chomped on black' 




.      6       16        1676176          1          71          7        11767        67         176       




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