Sunday, January 14, 2024

sunday 14

sunday 14



.image set below: title: 'bombarded by physical pain' 











.dream: in a submarine, sitting on a ledge, standing watch, i had fallen asleep and 

just woke up, some component is running at high speed and noisy, go over to 

component, low pressure air valve, LPAV, i turn it off, needs to cool down, 


.looking at my logs, start to go over to bulletin board, two junior officers approach 

me, i put some wheat in my left hand into left pant pocket, i tell the officers 

that it seems like we slowed down and may be on a mission, the officers 

respond that we can't be on a mission because the sub isn't certified yet, 

a civilian certifying agent is behind me, 


.go over to bulletin board, trying to take logs, having a had time copying letters 

from board to my logs, now some guy has covered the papers on the board with 

grey duct tape, wrote ET in my log block, 


.a guy goes over to a component under a sink, moves some clothes pins, adjusts 

a copper name plate, end dream 



.a - inside a submarine                             b - me 

c - low pressure air valve component 


d - two officers                                         e - civilian certifying agent 

f - bulletin board                                       g - guy 

h - component under sink 




.image below: submarine dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: low pressure air valve component detail 





.image below: putting wheat into pocket detail 





.image below: component under sink detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: '[[_error_/computation_error_//_error_/unknown_error_]]' 




.       5          05         0575075          0           70          7       55070        57         057    




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