Thursday, January 25, 2024

thursday 25

thursday 25 



.image below: title: 'continuing physical pain' 





.dream: riding in a car, going up a hill, looking out window to the left, interesting 

trees, large dead looking branch overhead, i say it might need to be trimmed, 

boss lady from portugal is driving, red leaves, 


.pass through a kind of gateway, coming down the side of a mountain, car is 

descending, i say i've never seen the mountain from this angle before, 

mountain lake, glacier, ice wall, it's all incredibly beautiful, i close my 

eyes and begin to cry, brother sitting next to me, 


.car pulls into a gas station, stops, me and a person get out, i ask if i can 

get my luggage, person says ok, in my luggage are two people, n.s and his 

first wife j.s, they head off to the hotel, end dream 



.a - in a car, up hill                                 b - unique trees 

c - red leaves                                          d - mountain lake 


e - glacier                                                f - ice wall 

g - in a car, down hill                              h - gas station 


i - car parked                                           j - person 

k - me                                                      l - n.s and j.s 




.image below: mountain drive dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: driving up the mountain detail 





.image below: driving down the mountain detail 






.dream: holding a piece of cardboard, looks like a car, perhaps a foot, i show one 

guy, show another, end scene, 


.on my computer, two browsers, i bing from google on one browser and google 

from bing on another, something is going on in next room, i clap my hands 

several times, a chair appears, i go into room, red pen on ground, two 

smaller red pens off to the side, end scene, 


.in a cafeteria, a guy serves me cereal with chocolate milk, i go around to 

cereal dispensing machine, rice crispies, the cereal comes out with such force 

that some of it gets on my shirt, guy in front of me, end dream 



.a - cardboard car (foot)                             b - me 

c - two guys                                                d - me on computer 


e - chair and red markers                            f - cafeteria 

g - server                                                     h - me 


i - breakfast cereal dispensing machine 

j - guy 




.image below: red pens dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: cereal with chocolate milk detail 















.wake up




.image below: title: 'catching a baseball' 




.       9        49         4909049        4         04        0        94490       90        940     




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