Thursday, January 11, 2024

thursday 11

thursday 11



.image below: title: 'pain free wishing' 





.dream: in a car with a guy, he drops me off by a running track and some sports fields, 

i walk onto field, a guy from india is in a shot put area and tossing around a large 

orange football, he tosses me ball, i toss it back to him, ball is large and difficult for 

me to throw, 


.a.h appears, i throw a red football back and forth with him, throwing with my left arm 

and then my right, red football is a bit smaller than the orange one, a.h does some 

long distance throws, path, a.h comes at me, he's acting aggressive now, end scene, 


.in a room, sitting at a table with seven other people, we're all in the same class, 

lady next to me doesn't like exercise, guy across from me comments on how 

no one is sitting next to him, he's sitting at end of table like me, we all 

feel very comfortable with each other, like snowboarders, end dream 



.a - guy in car who dropped me off                     b - me 

c - running track and sports fields                       d - guy from india 


e - large orange football                                       f - a.h 

g - me                                                                    h - red football 

i - path                                                                  j - large orange football 


k - a.h getting aggressive                                     l - people at table 

m - me                                                                  n - lady next to me 

o - guy across from me                                         p - more people at other table 




.image below: football dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: footballs detail 






.dream: putting gas in a car, pump is not close to car, end scene, 


.walking up to a house, two guys at a table, c.m and some other guy, i get my military 

ID from table, enter house, friend's brother, a.s, is inside, fist bump, k.s inside as well, 

plate of white rice, plate of rice and veggies, need to pee, go into bathroom, peeing into 

square hole in floor, end scene, 


.in a vehicle, watching a video on a phone, two guys, one is normal, one has a 

comically thick neck, end scene, 


.looking at a brochure, summer camp job in thailand, white robot arm in room, 

'predator' some lady says, end dream 



.a - car                                 b - gas pump 

c - hose                                d - me 


e - two guys                         f - my military ID 

g - entrance to house            h - a.s 

i - k.s                                     j - plate of rice 


k - plate of rice and veggies 

l - bathroom                           m - hole in floor 

n - shower                              o - guy with comically thick neck 


p - other guy                           q - thailand summer job brochure 

r - robotic arm in room (predator) 




.image below: plate of rice and plate of rice with veggies detail 





.image below: peeing in bathroom detail 





.image below: guy and guy with thick neck detail 















.wake up


.skateboard, skateboard, bicycle 




.      5        35        3595935          3         93          9       33959        59        593      




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