Thursday, January 18, 2024

thursday 18

thursday 18



.image below: title: 'the slow and painful healing process of a stubborn physical wound' 





.dream: lying on a couch by a window, look over to the left, bitcoin data, a.h appears, 

i ask him if he's invested in crypto currency, 'millions or billions ...' i ask, 'billions' he 

says, we start talking about semi-conductors and how there was a shortage 

during the pandemic, 


.look in front of me, tv with a promotional air force video playing, the channel starts to 

drift up, static appears on screen, i click down three channels, maybe four, screen 

becomes clearer, a.h no where to be seen, end dream 



.a - couch                                         b - me 

c - a.h                                               d - bitcoin data 

e - air force promotional video 




.image below: bitcoin data detail 





.image below: air force promotional video detail 











.dream: in a video game store, pick out a game i'd like to buy, go up to 

pay counter, cashier guy says that this game contains violence and foul 

language, end scene, 


.on a bus, going up a hill, two guys talking up on the right, one guy 

mentions chinese men, i'm holding two cigarettes, usually these cigarettes 

have the lighters built into the filters but the two cigarettes i'm holding have 

been modified, built in lighters won't work, 


.houses and store fronts outside on the right, end dream 



.a - video game store                         b - i pick up a game 

c - put game on pay counter              d - cashier 


e - bus going up hill                           f - me with two cigarettes 

g - two guys talking                           h - houses and store fronts 




.image below: video game store and bus ride dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: video game case detail 





.image below: two modified cigarettes detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'clandestine undersea radio transmitting station operating signal' 




.      2        12         1272172        1          71          7        12217          27             127 




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