Friday, January 12, 2024

friday 12

friday 12



.image below: title: 'physical pain reduction technique' 











.dream: watching a movie, two women on screen, 


.<<begin sexual content advisory>>


.the movie slowly turns into a porno with the one lady undressing the other, i get a 

boner, start to jerk off, i just jerked off but decide to jerk off again, end scene, 


.<<end sexual content advisory>>


.taking a modified bicycle through a doorway, end scene, 


.cooking rice, oxy pads, end scene, 


.talking with brother, lighter and weed on a counter, brother mentions the 

best olive oil he ever ate, end dream 



.a - movie                                         b - modified bike 

c - cooking rice                                 d - me 

e - brother                                          f - lighter and weed 




.image below: modified bicycle dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: modified bicycle detail 






.dream: in a room filled with cats, one cats wants up on my right shoulder, i kneel down, 

extend my right arm, cat crawls up on me, now i'm lying down, cat is biting at the neck of 

my white t-shirt, another cat crawls up on my left arm, other cats on right side of room, 

end scene, 


.in a room with e.y, people on left and right, e.y sits on floor by purple couch, i 

sit on couch next to her, music is playing, e.y doesn't like this music, a lady appears, 

the lady who was playing the music, i go up to her and say 


.'this music is very very adjective', e.y comes over to us, i'd like to bring up why 

e.y and this lady don't like each other but it's too much, i say that my mom hit 

me once when i was young, i hit her back and then she never hit me again, sometimes 

my mom broke my toys but she bought them for me so that kind of makes it even, but 

overall i wasn't abused as a child, 


.i look up, blue sky, clouds, a large white balloon resembling an erect penis and 

throbbing testicles floats by, end dream 



.a - bed                             b - me 

c - cats                              d - e.y 


f - me on purple couch     

g - music                          h - lady 

i - white balloon 




.image below: cats and purple couch dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: cats detail 





.image below: purple couch and white balloon detail 





.almost forgotten dream scene: touching toes with someone, end scene 





.wake up




.image below: title: 'white and orange, chomped on purple' 




.       3            13              1383183          1          81          8       18831       38         183      




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