Monday, January 22, 2024

monday 22

monday 22



image below: title: 'pain'















.dream: a ferry boat runs aground at high speed, apparently there was a murder on board, 

a guy named chris was at the gym, end scene, 


.friend's sister (m.s) has a pen, doesn't know what to write, i hold her hand and 

write for her, she and her husband play some game after work, i leave room, end scene, 


.mother is driving a car, i'm in passenger seat, brother in back, going around a 

curve, mother is transferring steering control to me, now i'm steering, mother has 

foot pedal control, dead end, i ask mother to transfer foot pedal control to me, 

now i'm in full control of vehicle, 


.driving, magnetic pull, large black and red garbage truck up ahead, convoy of 

military vehicles on the right, talking with guy in lead vehicle, 

he says '... validate your parking', 'whatever that means' i respond, 

something blocking me, lead convoy vehicle departs, i drive off, 


.walking in a military uniform warehouse with mother and brother, come up to 

several boxes of shoes, stop, looking at shoes, i recommend brother get some 

new shoes, his feet might be getting sore, roller skates in bottom box, 


.mother is in a lower area, incense burning, end dream 



.a - ferry boat                             b - me and m.s 

c - people on couch                    d - me and mother and brother in car 


e - side of building                      f - dead end 

g - black and red garbage truck 


h - military convoy                      i - lead convoy vehicle 

j - car i'm driving                         k - guy doing pull ups 


l - military uniform warehouse 

m - shoes and roller skates            n - me bro mom 

o - mother, incense 




.image below: ferry boat runs aground dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: steering control, sequential event detail 



.a - mother                                     b - me 

c - mother driving, full control 


d - steering wheel                          e - foot pedals 

f - mother transfers steering control to me 


g - mother still has foot pedal control 

h - mother transfers foot pedal control to me 

i - i'm driving, full control 




.image below: garbage truck and military vehicle convoy detail 





.image below: roller skate with blue wheels detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'emergence of sunshine from mist and fog' 




.        8         78         7898978           7           97            9        88797       89         798     




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