Sunday, January 7, 2024

sunday 07

sunday 07



.image below: title: 'blue and blues' 











.dream: in a van with brother and aunt, we're all sleeping, i wake up, van is moving 

in auto drive in the center lane of a three lane road, curve, down hill, car up ahead, 

i steer van out of way, driving van now, pull over on side of road, turn in a loop, 


.enter into a driveway area, end of road, basketball hoop, kids playing ball, i park 

van, open door, guys standing by open door, my feet are supported by something 

and i lean my body out of door, some guy asks what's supporting me, i point to 

my knees, 


.in a church school classroom, some lady is talking up front, four spots in back of 

room, i go over to second from left, no chair here, someone puts a chair there, i 

go over and kneel down on the far right, tell brother he can sit in the chair, some 

lady is squirming behind me, 


.lady up front is talking, something about samson, secret european knowledge, 

two posters on wall, one in portuguese, one in russian, end scene, 


.a guy is talking about a train map of chicago, end dream 




.a - three lane road                             b - me and brother and aunt in van 

c - other cars on road                         d - side of road 


e - basketball hoop                             f - kids 

g - people                                            h - road ends 


i - i get out of van                               j - classroom 

k - chairs taken from here                   l - chair placed here 


m - i kneel here                                   n - brother sits here 

o - lady talking                                    p - foreign language posters 

q - train map of chicago 




.image below: church school dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: driveway and hoop scene detail 





.image below: classroom scene detail 





.image below: train map of chicago detail 






.dream: in my apartment, some lady has moved a bunch of her stuff into a vacant room, 

green bags everywhere, blue blanket on bed, end scene, 


.walking down some steps with a lady, going into a library, this event wasn't planned 

very well, reach bottom of steps, in the library, gun shot, i run into a back room, 

trying to hide by some shelves, end scene, 


.judo mat, a chesty woman is preparing for a bout, tall guy and smaller women start 

to fight, the small lady is pushed off the mat, chesty woman starts to beat up on 

the big guy, end scene, 


.walking behind a lady (c.l), end dream 



.a - me in apartment                             b - lady's stuff in room 

c - going down stairs with some lady 


d - in a library                                       e - gun shot 

f - hiding by a shelf                               g - judo match 


h - small lady                                         i - chesty lady 

j - big guy                                               k - me 

l - c.l 




.image below: lady's stuff in vacant room detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'pink on black' 




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