Wednesday, January 3, 2024

wednesday 03

wednesday 03



.image below: title: 'circles on black, progression of oranges' 















.dream: driving a car on a road, road becomes an ocean, back on a road, end scene, 


.walking with a lady in blue jeans, she asks me if i'd be willing to get with a 

fan, i say sure, she asks me if i have a facebook, i say no, we sit down on 

some steps, other people start to sit down around us, a lady on a stage taps 

her knee, everyone stands up except for me and lady, 


.lady taps her knee again, me and lady stand up, a turkish wedding is taking 

place, the groom and best men enter the area, me and lady leave, end scene, 


.in a garage, a guy is using scissors to take a black wire out from a black rod, 

wire comes out, guy throws it on the floor, i pick the wire up, hold it out to 

a kid, kid tries to grab wire, misses, 'slower' i say, kid moves slower and grabs the 

wire, end scene, 


.in a house (p.w), i'd like to go visit p.w, i think i'm in my house, go over to 

a room, guy and grandpa, i tell grandpa i'll visit p.w, he wants to come with, 

i'm running there, i tell him directions, 'go left', i accidentally told him the 

wrong directions, need to put on my running outfit, shoes, 


.go upstairs, house from high school, shirt, purple, go into bedroom, closet, 

shorts, a couple enters my room, lady has little figurines, says she'd like 

to give me one, 'a-life' figures, 


.i look in my closet, lots of little lego figures, i take one out, small 

barbarian lego figure, give it to lady, 'it's precious' she says, end dream 



.a - driving a car                             b - road 

c - ocean                                         d - back on road 


e - me and lady walking                 f - sit down on steps 

g - people attending turkish wedding 


h - wedding stage                           i - groom and best men 

j - garage                                        k - guy removes black wire from metal rod 

l - me                                              m - kid 


n - grandpa and guy in room          o - shoes 

p - me and closet                            q - guy and lady 

r - small figurines 




.image below: barbarian lego figure dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: turkish wedding scene detail 





.image below: rod and wire detail 





.image below: barbarian lego figure detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'pain management'




.       9        39        3909039         3           03          0       39930       93        930     




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