Sunday, January 28, 2024

sunday 28

sunday 28



.image below: title: 'blue on purple' 





.dream: movement, brightness, cannot process, end dream 






.dream: reviewing foreign language vocabulary for body parts in my mind, focus 

on spanish and french, 'arm, fingers, hand', words like that, end dream 






.dream: water front house in florida, high tide, water is covering the porch, coming 

into where car is parked, tide goes out, porch uncovered, i go out onto porch, a 

small gopher creature comes up onto porch, leaves, i go into house, 


.just outside kitchen, bag of carrots, most are rotten, i try and salvage the few 

good carrots, lady comes over, takes bag of rotten carrots from me, 

says she knows how i like to strain them, guy in kitchen, i leave, 


.enter bathroom, end scene, 


.haircut with a razor, end scene, 


.math curves, makes it easy to prove stuff, end dream 



.a - high tide, coming into house                         b - parked car 

c - porch                                                               d - gopher 


e - me                                                                    f - kitchen 

g - lady and bag of carrots                                    h - guy 


i - bathroom                                                           j - haircut with a razor 

k - math curves 




.image below: high tide in florida dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: gopher and bag of carrots detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'y'know, i just moved down here ...' 




.       4         24          2454254          2             52           5       24452          45           254     




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