Wednesday, January 24, 2024

wednesday 24

wednesday 24



.image below: title: 'reduced physical pain' 











.dream: outside, two dingos approach, one big, one small, big dingo barks, i bark, 

smaller dingo howls, i howl in unison, eco location, dog pen identified, tropical 

blue fish appears, fish is floating in front of me, fish floats away, 


.dingos go into dog pen, massive dog fight ensues, a small pug is at my feet, 

pug is sick of all the fighting, leashes and collars on its body, i pet it, end scene, 


.at a camp, holding two ash trays, go around to a fire place, put ash trays by fire, 

end scene, 


.locker room type area, j.a comes up to me, asks me why i'm doing meth, i tell 

him i'm not, asks me why i have an airport key, i tell him some guy gave it to 

me because of my cell phone, j.a goes back into changing area, 


.in an office, n.v near me, two open cans of mixed fruit, i drink some of the 

juice from a can, n.v goes outside and pukes, smells like vomit, i put a can opener 

up on a ledge, my tax info on desk, end dream 



.a - me                                     b - two dingos 

c - blue tropical fish                d - dog fight 


e - pug dog                              f - me with two ash trays 

g - fireplace                             h - j.a 

i - locker room area                 j - office space 


k - n.v                                      l - n.v pukes outside 

m - can opener on high ledge 

n - my tax info on desk 




.image below: two dingos dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: two dingos and blue tropical fish detail 





.image below: ash trays and airport key detail 











.dream: in a hospital waiting room, some guy points out a guy who stole 

my bike, i tackle the bike thief, he's tall, we both fall to the ground, i say 

i'll get the guy something if he gives me back my bike, guy wants 

lobster, i offer salmon, we get up, 


.guy takes me over to a side room, lady at a desk, two mini-bikes on a stand, 

another full sized bike in the back corner, none of these bikes are mine, 

a lady with a small red berry covered in white powder appears, she 

asks me if i want to eat the berry, 


.lady is asking everyone if they want to eat the berry but it's really the lady 

that wants to eat it, end scene, 


.lines of people forming, i go in between all the people, moving down 

the lines, end dream 



.a - hospital waiting room                             b - door to outside 

c - bathroom door                                          d - people 


e - me and tall guy                                          f - lady at desk 

g - mini-bikes on rack                                     h - full sized bike 


i - lady with red berry                                      j - people in line 

k - my path 




.image below: stolen bike dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: yellow bikes and red berry detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'skydiver in free fall opening parachute' 




.      8         38         3898938        3         93          9        33989       89        389 




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