Wednesday, January 10, 2024

wednesday 10

wednesday 10



.image set below: title: 'pain, physical pain' 











.dream: a guy from india is skateboarding on a blue couch, end scene, 


.in a shopping mall, go into a bank, go to table, go to smaller table, ask a janitor 

guy about hand soap, he points out a full container of hand soap on small table, 

a lady comes up to me, i seem to be in her work space, 


.lady asks me if i'm addicted, 'to what' i say, 'diarrhea' she says, i move over to 

a different area, lady follows me, mentions diarrhea again, end scene, 


.a green towel is wrapped around my waist, end dream 



.a - blue couch                                   b - guy from india skateboarding 

c - lower level                                    d - shopping mall 


e - bank                                              f - table 

g - smaller table                                 h - janitor guy 

i - me                                                  j - lady 




.image below: guy from india skateboarding on blue couch detail 





.image below: container of hand soap detail 





.image below: green towel detail, true color approximation 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'yellow and blue, chomped on red' 




.          5          45          4575475          4          74          7       57754        57         547   




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