Monday, January 29, 2024

monday 29

monday 29



.image below: title: 'green on black' 





.dream: movement in a building, a tall lady with a walking stick exits building and 

walks along the sidewalk, end dream 



.a - building                         b - movement 

c - tall lady with walking stick 





.dream: an old german guy holds a gun up to the head of an old american guy, 

this is the era of world war two before the bombing of pearl harbor, the german 

guy tells the american guy that he'll have him stand a military tribunal, 


.'a tribunal' the american guy repeats, 


.all the while in asia, the attack on pearl harbor is being planned, end dream 



.a - old german guy with gun 

b - old american guy 

c - plans in asia for the attack on pearl harbor 










.dream: two rat men are performing a theatrical version of 'the night before 

christmas' they pick up little packages, a toy zebra comes in through the window, 

end scene, 


.in a bedroom, girl in bed, i'm by window, aunt enters room, throws two papers at 

me, one lands by window, other paper goes out window, guy enters room, me 

and girl leave, 


.walking down some stairs, entering into kitchen, i'm going to the bank, girl is 

coming with me, we should get something to eat first, i go to fridge, pull out 

some food, sausages and such, a guy enters room, he's disabled and can 

only express himself by playing the piano and singing, 


.guy sits down at piano, begins to play and sing, i'm eating, spicy orange rice 

with green beans, guy at piano has shifted orientation, i can't see the girl 

anymore, guy at piano sings that the food was too spicy for her, end dream 



.a - stairs up                             b - performing rat men 

c - little packages                     d - toy zebra in window 


e - girl in bed                            f - aunt throws papers 

g - window                                h - me 


i - guy                                        j - me and girl 

k - refrigerator                           l - guy at piano 

m - table with food                    n - same guy, same piano 




.image below: guy at piano dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: rat men and toy zebra detail 





.image below: aunt throws papers detail 





.image below: guy at piano and spicy orange rice with green beans detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: ' "i wanna get serious w'chu, april - i wanna get a house w'chu - in texas" ' 




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