Tuesday, January 23, 2024

tuesday 23

tuesday 23



.image below: title: 'the heavy breath of pain upon my nape' 





.dream: movement, cannot process, a guy moves some stone, image of 

an o five united states coast guard helicopter pin, this pin seems to have been 

made special for me, end dream 



.a - movement                             b - a guy moves something 

c - united states coast guard helicopter pin 

d - helicopter pin detail 





.dream: in a large government trailer home, in a room with n.s, i ask him 

if his first wife remarried, he shows me a picture of her in a pink dress, end scene, 


.in the hall, walking, l.s and m.s up ahead, i almost turn on a tv, they tell me not to, 

walk over a stool, stool spins a bit, go into right end cap room, leave, go into 

left end cap room, people walk by in the hall, 


.in a dark closet, repeating doors, grab some cloth off the wall, cloth is blue with 

white stripes, 


.in a room, plate of fruit on floor, two guys, offer fruit to the guys, touch guy 

on left, guy on right has on a blue hoodie, do not touch him, eating fruit, 

guy in hoodie puts an orange slice under couch for the mice, mice 

get the orange slice and begin to eat it, 


.now there's grapes on the fruit plate, offer grapes to the two guys, end dream 



.a - me and n.s in room                         

b - hallway of government trailer home 

c - sisters of n.s                             d - tv 


e - stool                                         f - end cap side rooms 

g - people                                      h - dark closet 


i - cloth on walls                           j - plate of fruit 

k - guy i touch                              l - guy i don't touch in blue hoodie 

m - mice under couch 




.image below: fruit plate dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: two mice and orange slice detail 






.dream: riding in a van full of people, aunt's sister (j.g) is driving, also in van 

are aunt, mother, brother and s.s, van stops by water, s.s jumps into water, 

i get out, say i'll walk from here, look over in water, large pelican and kids 

playing with a red ball, wonderful scene, 


.walking along the road, going to a pizza feed, car comes at me, end scene, 


.in basement of g.h's house, peeing in toilet, g.h walks in on me, we leave, 

go to other house for pizza, 


.in other house, large table, pizza on a large napkin, everyone is done 

eating, table is a mess, i help to clean up, fold in sides of large napkin, 

fold it in half, friend's dad (d.h) puts left overs in white plastic trash bag, 

end scene, 


.in a room, a guy just got done fucking my brother and sits in front of a tv, 

says my brother is upset because he didn't die, i ask the guy if he prefers men or 

women, he says white men prefer him, i say i like women, end dream 




.a - van                             b - s.s in water 

c - large pelican               d - kids in water 


e - me walking                 f - car 

g - me peeing                   h - g.h 


i - pizza on table               j - guy with trash bag 

k - guy                              l - me 

m - brother in back room 




.image below: pizza feed dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: pelican and kids in water detail 





.image below: cleaning up pizza on table, sequential event detail 



.a - me                                        b - pizza on table 

c - friend's dad (d.h)                   d - fold sides of large napkin in 

e - fold large napkin in half         f - d.h puts pizza leftovers in napkin in trash bag 






.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/01/23/dream-23-jan-2024/




.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-23-jan-2024




.wake up




.image below: title: 'mold forming in bowl of soup left out for far too long' 




.        6       36        3676376         3          73        7       37763        67         367     




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