Thursday, January 4, 2024

thursday 04

thursday 04



.image below: title: 'circles on black, progression of greens' 











.dream: a female seagull is flying high up in the air, 


.<<begin sexual content advisory>>


.a male seagull is flying at a lower altitude and starts spinning around and flying 

up to gain altitude, the male seagull reaches the female and mounts her in an 

attempt to breed, 


.after several unsuccessful attempts, the male seagull is finally able to achieve an 

erection, penetrates the vagina of the female and ejaculates inside her body, 


.after ejaculating and withdrawing, the female seagull reaches down and grabs her 

lower abdomen, filled with male seagull bird ejaculate, 'a baby' she cries out in 

joy, end scene, 


.<<end sexual content advisory>>


.a dark skinned lady is wearing a grey t-shirt and no bra, end scene, 


.in a store after closing, the employees are wiping down the shelves, i wipe one 

down a bit, go over to a table, see a lady i know, k.s, start talking to her, 

k.s says she's married now and lives in pennsylvania, her husband has four 

kids and she adopted three, she teaches middle school and some other teaching job, end scene, 


.outside, near a college campus, i was sleeping, just woke up, some guy behind me, 

people in a field in the background, skateboard parts behind the guy, i go 

over to skate parts, want to check the time, put battery in phone, turn it on, 

chinese characters, time says two o'clock, not right, should be seven or eight am, 


.the guy started assembling a skateboard, funny trucks, flat with no hanger piece, 

i move along with my phone, 


.in a study area, carrels on the right, big screen on the left, looking at my phone, a 

bunch of advertisements are opened up, funny emojis, seems to be a chinese hack, 

my phone screen is showing up on the big screen, 

i figure out how to delete the ads, leave area, go over to elevator, waiting, 

deleting ads on my phone, two people behind me, 


.enter into elevator, after deleting three ads, the 'delete' button becomes a 'jump' button, 

in elevator, more space in elevator now, going down, end dream 



.a - female seagull                         b - male seagull 

c - lady with dark skin                   d - store 

e - lady cleaning shelf                    f - me 


g - k.s                                              h - me 

i - guy                                              j - skateboard parts 

k - people in field                            l - study area 


m - large screen                               n - study carrels 

o - me with phone                            p - door to elevator 

q - elevator space                             r - expanded elevator space 




.image below: funny skateboard trucks detail 





.image below: button on phone detail 






.dream: in a room, sitting on a couch, looking at a black laptop computer, want to 

open up my email, i have two different emails, each email uses a different browser, 

having trouble opening up my emails, a bunch of videos playing on computer, i 

try and restart it, not working, leave room, 


.enter into other room, sit down, still can't get my emails to open up, big screen on 

right side of room, my computer screen is shown on big screen, some lady suggests 

restarting computer, i tell her it didn't work, a lecture is starting, picture on 

big screen shifts to lecture, my computer's audio is still coming through on the 

big screen, i turn the volume off, 


.lecture has started, language learning something, gillis tillis something, a lady does 

a handstand, more people enter room, people sitting on my left and right, a lady gives 

me a stack of papers to pass around, i split the stack, pass some to left, pass some to right, 


.guy on my right drops some papers, some more papers come to me, i pass them 

to person next to me, end dream 



.a - me on couch with computer 

b - large screen                                     c - door 


d - on couch in other room with computer 

e - large screen                                      f - door 

g - chalk board                                      h - lady doing handstand 


i - lady hands me papers to pass around 

j - pass papers to my left                       k - pass papers to my right 

l - other people in room 




.image below: email troubles and lecture dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: passing out papers detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'purple and pink upon purple'




.        3             23            2353523          2           52          5       32235       35       253     




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