Saturday, January 6, 2024

saturday 06

saturday 06



.image below: title: 'circles on black, progression of grays' 





.dream: in dining room of n.s's house, me and n.s and teacher lady (t.r), two trash cans 

under large window, teacher lady has old text book, there's a new text book out, 


.t.r has written a bunch of page numbers from the old text book on a sheet, she 

wants me and n.s to find the equivalent pages in the new text book and teach the material, 

she also wants us to find the associated pictures, t.r gives me the sheet with the 

page numbers, i give sheet to n.s, n.s leaves to go get the new text book, 

end dream 



.a - dining room table                                 b - large window 

c - two trash cans                                        d - teacher lady 


e - me                                                          f - sheet with page numbers 

g - n.s                                                          h - old text book 

i - new text book 




.image below: two trash cans under window and sheet with page numbers detail 











.dream: in an art classroom, holding a white block of chalk, there's a grinder in the 

room, one block of chalk has the word 'love' written on it, it could be taken to the 

grinder and grinded out to make the word visible, i tell the teacher i'm not sure 

how to work the grinder, 'you'd better learn' she says, 


.students in the room are all working with their chalk blocks, i'm not sure what to 

make with mine, i just keep holding the white block, the block eventually turns 

black, i look over at some of the other projects, maybe i'll make a pot, end scene, 


.sitting at a table, some lady from the VA is talking about a web address versus 

a mailing address, 


.two guys sitting down, one guy (a) wants the other guy (b) to write about him (a), 

the one guy (a) says 'whenever you write about me you're one step away from 

writing about you', something like that, end dream 


.note: guy (b) sits behind guy (a), end note



.a - art class                                 b - grinder

c - teacher                                    d - large table 


e - me with chalk block               f - people working on projects 

g - lady                                         h - web address info 

i - me                                            j - two guys talking about writing 




.image below: chalk block in art class and VA addresses detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'yellow and yellow upon blue with orange' 




.       3          03         0393093          0          90          9       09930        39         309     




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