Friday, January 19, 2024

friday 19

friday 19



.image below: title: 'dealing with chronic long-term physical pain' 





.dream: in front yard of house from high school, dark outside, some guy has 

came up from the ravine, i'm handcuffed and walking with two cops, handcuffs 

removed, on porch, end scene, 


.in kitchen of friend's house (g.h), mother and friend's mother (d.h) are about to 

eat chocolate cake, i serve some orange ice cream, might be too much, 

end scene, 


.don't remember, key and drawer something, end scene, 


.in friend's house (n.s), seems like i'm on a submarine, red light on, some 

kid from a another sub is missing, kid is from electrical division, kid appears in 

kitchen, kid is talking to k.s, k.s seems like engineering department chief, 


.the kid is not showing the proper respect to the chief, i take kid aside, 

tell him he needs to communicate more formal, i direct kid to bathroom 

to brush his teeth, some guy showering in bathroom, 


.go around to living room, behind a counter, k.p appears, hands me a 

blueberry phone, asks me to clarify some old email i wrote, look at 

email, i was talking about inter-dimensional warping, i begin to type, 


.'about ...', typing becomes difficult, what i wanted to say was, 


.'about inter-dimensional warping when one web address is unknown', the 

unknown web address is the one being warped to, end dream 



.a - guy comes out from ravine 

b - me and cops                             c - handcuffs taken off me 


d - front porch                                e - me 

f - orange ice cream                        g - mother 

h - friend's mother (d.h)                  i - don't remember, key and drawer something 


j - me                                               k - missing kid 

l - k.s                                               m - bathroom 

n - k.p                                              o - blueberry phone 




.image below: orange ice cream dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: orange ice cream scene detail 





.image below: blueberry phone and email clarification detail 















.wake up




.image below: title: 'skipping stones on the glassy face of a shallow pond' 




.          2           02         0232032          0            30          3       22303         23         203    




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