Saturday, January 27, 2024

saturday 27

saturday 27



.image below: title: 'purple on white' 





.dream: wake up in a room, something is being reset, i help with the resetting process, 

look out into hallway, three people from saudi arabia are walking by, end scene, 


.newly wed couple and a lady, 


.<<begin sexual content advisory>>


.the lady feeds the newly wed man and woman each a maple bar and prepares their 

genitals for sexual intercourse, after finishing the maple bars, the lady couples 

the newly wed's genitals in a sexual coupling, the newly weds are fucking and the 

lady mounts their slapping genitals to stimulate her own crotch, 


.now the lady is riding on an art fence, 


.end scene, 

.<<end sexual content advisory>>,

.end dream 



.a - me in room                             b - three people from saudi arabia 

c - newly wed couple                   d - maple bars 

e - lady                                          f - art fence 




.image below: maple bars dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: maple bars and art fence detail 






.dream: on a sidewalk, vehicle movement, end scene, 


.my hand is in a freezer, touching a frozen chicken with my right index finger, 


.an israeli man is considering sex change surgery to become a woman, if he 

does become a woman and has sex with another woman, time travel is 

likely to occur, end dream 



.a - sidewalk, vehicle movement 

b - freezer                                     c - frozen chicken 

d - my hand                                  e - lady 














.wake up




.image below: title: 'con-centric, ee-centric, bro ... bro' 




.      6       26         2686286         2          82         8        66282         68        286      




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