Tuesday, January 30, 2024

tuesday 30

tuesday 30



.image below: title: 'yellow on black' 





.dream: on a ferry boat, pulling away from dock, guy with a skateboard is on land and 

behind a fence, c.e, c.e says he'll take me to the skatepark, i decline, c.e gets upset, 


.on an air mattress in a swamp, brother and aunt on air mattress with me, i'm standing up, 

loose balance and fall down, brother falls down as well, now my lower body is in 

the swamp, upper body on mattress, kicking in water to move the mattress, aunt 

remains standing, 


.alligators in water, one swims by, 


.now super mario is walking in the forest, large mushroom on the ground, i can 

control super mario but all i have is a down direction button, push down button, 

super mario bends down and eats mushroom, push down button again, super 

mario bends down and takes a poop, push down button again, super mario 

bends down and wipes his butt, end dream 



.a - c.e with skateboard                         b - ferry boat 

c - swamp                                              d - air mattress 


e - me                                                     f - brother 

g - aunt                                                   h - alligator 

i - super mario                                        j - mushroom 




.image below: air mattress in swamp detail 





.image below: super mario and large mushroom in forest detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/dream-30-jan-2024/




.dream: in a living room, two people on couch on my right, large person with red 

hair sits on couch, friend's sister, a.s, on my left, a.s has a new phone, she's looking at 

photos and videos, i ask her to pull up all the apps, she does so, small dog on the floor, 


.i go up some stairs, upstairs bedroom, some worker guy is up here, getting ready 

to put a big heavy tv in a wooden tv stand, says something about two thousand 

people watching some video, end scene, 


.massaging my purple leg, end dream 



.a - living room                         b - me 

c - tall person with red hair sits on couch 


d - other red haired person        e - other person on couch 

f - small dog                              g - friend's sister, a.s 


h - upstairs bedroom                  i - guy 

j - tv stand furniture                   k - my purple leg 




.image below: people on couch detail 







.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-30-jan-2024




.wake up




.image below: title: 'a message, a telephone voice message' 




.           5         35       3585835          3        83          8       35538          58           358      




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