Monday, January 8, 2024

monday 08

monday 08



.image set below: title: 'horrible physical pain' 





.dream: in a car with mother, brother and aunt, mother driving fast, shopping center on 

the left, end scene, 


.in a department store, a young boy is riding a bicycle, seems to be a replica of 

kanye west, the boy rides up the wall and then crashes hard on the ground, boy 

was wearing a helmet, a scooter is now available, 


.i start to ride the scooter, riding behind several other people on scooters, 

go onto a black mat, scooter race in progress, i'm in last place, a guy at the 

finish line is calling out times, guy in front of me gets a one point two one point 

o three, i get a one point two one point o four, end dream 



.a - in car with family                             b - shopping center 

c - department store                                d - kid on bike 


e - scooter                                               f - me on scooter, scooter race 

g - guy who finishes in front of me        h - guy calling out times 




.image below: scooter race on black mat and finishing times detail 






.dream: pass by a submarine berthing area, end scene, 


.enter into a small cabin, something frozen in the doorway, i approach, it's my 

twin, body is frozen, head is visible, i open one door, my twin opens eyes, 

'maintain the chinese freeze' i say, my frozen twin smiles, a guy enters the room, 


.guy is a university researcher, he seems to be able to communicate with me while 

i'm dreaming because of an implant in his right optical nerve, i'd like to write something 

down, take some white napkins from atop a printer, start to write in blue ink 

as i'm talking to the guy, 


.i'm explaining something about population data bases and say that there are three 

options, take for example hostile surveillance between the usa and china in 

regards to population data bases, so three options, 


.one, a real guy's info is properly annotated in the data base, 

for example, john smith is a real guy living in the usa and he's in the data base, 


.two, a fake person, one who does not exist, is annotated in the data base, 


.three, a real person has false info annotated in the data base, 


.as i'm explaining all this and writing down notes, a page of notes disappears 

and some of the notes are now in pink, 


.i finish talking and taking notes, outside a window is a tennis court with high 

chain link fences, as the dream is ending the guy asks me, 

'what about same sex marriage ...'


.i respond 'i don't care, whatever, do it, do it, do it', end dream 



.a - submarine berthing                         b - my twin, frozen in doorway 

c - university researcher                        d - me 


e - notes                                                 f - window 

g - tennis court with high chain link fence outside 




.image below: my frozen twin in doorway detail 





.image below: notes detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'yellow and bright green on pastel blue' 




.              4            24          2484284        2          82         8       48842        48          284     




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