Saturday, January 20, 2024

saturday 20

saturday 20



.image below: title: 'intensification of physical pain during the morning routine' 





.dream: in a supermarket, g.y and some people by large shopping cart, i say i'll push the 

cart like i did last time, cart is huge, i have to reach up over my head to grab the push 

handle, pushing cart, baby carrots go into cart, chocolate pudding goes into cart, 

'that'll be a real sweet ass' i say, end dream 



.a - supermarket                                 b - g.y and people 

c - me                                                 d - large shopping cart 


e - bags of carrots                              f - chocolate pudding 

g - stairs up 




.image below: supermarket dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: carrots and chocolate pudding detail 


.note: g.y was unsure of where the chocolate pudding was in store, i had to point it out to 

him, end note 






.dream: guy and a small dog on the street, another small dog appears, i cross the street, 

one car stops, another car doesn't stop, make it across street, about to cross through a 

neighborhood, gang members present, say i can't go this way anymore, i turn around, 

walking away, 


.a gang member walks with me, gang member is drinking a new kind of special 

soda, a white pepsi, escalator up ahead, gang member cannot go up escalator, i 

go up escalator, reach the top, end scene, 


.sitting at a table, m.m and some other guy give me my ID and bank card, tell me 

not to loose it, i consider putting cards in front shirt pockets, 


.on a train now, candy on wall indicates stop is just up ahead, left turn, train stops, 

a young russian girl kisses my left cheek, two older russian girls stand up, one 

has the word 'оетесь' or 'отесь' written on her hat, girls exit train, end dream 



.a - guy and small dog                             b - other small dog 

c - me crossing street                               d - street 


e - car stops                                              f - car doesn't stop 

g - gang members, i cannot pass              h - gang member drinking pepsi 


i - stairs up                                                j - me and ID and bank card 

k - m.m                                                      l - candy on wall, indicates stop is near 

m - russian girl kisses me                          n - two older russian girls 




.image below: white pepsi dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: white pepsi and russian girls detail 















.wake up




.image below: title: 'icicle formation on the roof of a rural country barn' 




.                5         15         1595915         1           91          9         11959        59          195      




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