Friday, January 5, 2024

friday 05

friday 05



.image below: title: 'circles on black, progression of purples' 















.dream: sitting down, looking at a map of new york city, some guy behind me 

has two maps of new york city, looking at a larger map now, new york city showing 

toll street, some lady says she drove all the way around on toll street, end scene, 


.carrying something in a brown paper bag, go around to the front of a large store, 

russian bomb expert guys here, they have a nuclear device with them, guy is 

showing my the device, looks like a large thermos with plastic cups on top, 


.guy pulls down brown paper bag of what i'm carrying, smaller thermos with 

metal cups on top, american nuclear device, i tell the guy i'm not the inventor, 

end scene, 


.enter into an office space, i'm all worked up, some event occurred with me as 

a focal point, i want to write something down, no paper, a guy hands me a napkin, 

start to write in blue ink, some schematic diagram something, 


.look out window, brick wall, two data wire sets on wall, russian in orange and 

american in white, end dream 



.a - guy with two maps of new york city 

b - me with map of new york city 

c - me and map of new york city showing toll street 


d - lady                                         e - russian bomb experts 

f - russian nuclear device             g - me with american nuclear device 


h - me writing on napkin              i - some guy 

j - window                                     k - russian data wire 

l - american data wire 




.image below: maps of new york city detail 





.image below: russian (left) and american nuclear devices detail 





.image below: russian (left, orange) and american wire data sets detail 






.wake up


.gym, skateboard 


.image set below: title: 'language use upon departure' 




.        4            14          1474174           1            71           7         41147        47          174      




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