Tuesday, January 16, 2024

tuesday 16

tuesday 16



.image below: title: 'pain-free thinking' 





.dream: several cats on the floor, goldfish in tank above, a lady lets a cat jump 

up into the tank, cat jumps up in tank, tries to eat goldfish, goldfish is huge, 

cat can't eat it, cat needs to get bigger, cat swallows a white pill to increase its 

size, end scene, 


.in a house as a guest, mother and brother are watching sports on a tv in 

living room, 


.<<begin sexual content advisory>>


.i'm in kitchen with a computer, i can jerk off to the sports 

program, mother and brother are now in a bathroom, mother in 

tub with soapy water, about time to go to school, i ask mom what time 

we should leave, 'six thirty three' she says, brother dunks mother under 

the water in the tub, 


.i leave this bathroom, go into side bathroom, have a dirty magazine, 

trying to jerk off, i just ejaculated but am trying for a second time, 

hard time getting a boner, the magazine is filled with tiny little sex cartoons, 

a lady knocks at the door, calls out my name, i respond, 


.lady opens door, i'm standing exposed in front of her, lady lets out a shriek, i 

cover up, lady asks me if i brought the magazine or got it here, i tell her i 

got it here in a drawer by the main door, lady takes magazine, 


.lady goes over to a trunk on the floor, 

she has wide hips, blue jeans and auburn colored shoulder length hair, 

she opens up the trunk, pulls out several copies 

of a european porno magazine called 'faust', puts mags on the floor, i pick them up 

and go back into bathroom, shut the door, 


.trying to jerk off, looking at the magazines, seems to be a bunch of travel 

ads for different european countries with naked people in the images, 

first one is switzerland perhaps, then denmark, in the denmark ad a 

guy is floating naked in a river with a hard on, a naked lady is right 

next to him with her open mouth right up next to his hard cock, 


.trying to jerk off, still having trouble getting a boner, 


.<<end sexual content advisory>>


.the lady has thrown a mat in a trash can, end dream 



.a - cats                                     b - large goldfish in tank 

c - one cat jumps up into tank 


d - bottle of white pills             e - mother and brother watching sports on tv 

f - me in kitchen with computer 


g - mother in bathtub                h - brother 

i - me in bathroom                    j - lady 

k - chest (trunk) on ground 




.image below: guest house dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: cat and goldfish detail 





.image below: mother in bathtub detail 





.image below: european magazine detail 







.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-16-jan-2024




.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/01/16/dream-16-jan-2024/




.wake up




.image below: title: 'antarctic ice sheet with penguin tracks' 




.         8         38        3898398          3       93        9       83389         89          389     




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