Friday, January 26, 2024

friday 26

friday 26



.image below: title: 'blue on white' 











.dream: outside, bugs falling down on me, tv is on, i have the remote, sports game, 

people on a bed on the right, program changes, satirical cartoon about the history of 

slavery in the usa, 


.a small black dog with curly hair jumps up on my left shoulder, runs down my 

left arm and bits the back of my left hand, breaks the skin on back of hand below 

ring finger knuckle, a lady comes over to me, asks me where i got the chicken, 

'drug store' i respond, end dream 



.a - falling bugs                             b - tv high 

c - tv low                                        d - black curly haired dog 


e - people on bed                            f - me 

g - lady 




.image below: falling bugs and tv remote detail 





.image below: black dog with curly hair and bite mark on back of left hand detail 







.dream: in a bathroom, having trouble peeing, m.s is in another bathroom, she 

comes over to where i am, end scene, 


.walking with a lady, windows to different bars on the left, one seems to be of the uw, 

it's nine o'clock and 

the bars are just opening, a guy appears with a large box of veggies, guy and 

lady lift of the big box, some potatoes fall out, i grab the spilled potatoes off 

the floor, put one back in box, eat another one, delicious, end dream 



.a - me                                 b - toilet 

c - m.s                                  d - other toilet 


e - bar windows                    f - me 

g - guy and lady                    h - box of veggies 

i - potato recovery 




.image below: potato recovery dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: potato recovery scene detail 





.image below: potato recovery scene, alternate scale representation 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'she was just trying to make a joke' 




.         4         14          1464164          1           61            6         14461        46         416     




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