Sunday, January 21, 2024

sunday 21

sunday 21



.image below: title: 'looking into the eyes of pain' 





.dream: high platform, ghost train pulls in, the original ghost train, 


.painting of a male barbarian, he is sick, painting of a female barbarian, she is 

sick as well, she goes over to the right to heal herself, comes back well, begins to 

care for the sick male barbarian, 


.figures above dark water below, end scene, 


.in an upper room, g.h and woman in front of me, they're talking about a toy 

store, i answer, something about grad school, three point eight, they 

keep saying that they're so happy for me, end dream 



.a - ghost train                             b - male barbarian painting 

c - female barbarian painting      d - figures about dark water 


e - me in upper room                    f - g.h and woman 

g - window 




.image below: ghost train dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: ghost train detail 





.image below: male and female barbarian paintings detail 






.dream: in a gym, two staff members, noon, they talk about who will take 

lunch first, end scene, 


.on a house boat, in bed, a guy is in room, his friend just died, asks me his name, i 

don't remember, guy writes it down, goes out into hall, comes back in, crying, 

waves outside, boat is rocking, i'm jostled out of bed, 


.go into bathroom, burrito in sink, about to eat it, poop burrito, i'm not eating 

that shit, end scene, 


.at a table with a guy, french fries, book, i pull out another book, silver surfer toy, 

guy leaves, not happy, a lady appears with a green puzzle mat, no room on 

the table, lady seems upset as well, end dream 



.a - front area of gym                         b - me 

c - two staff members                         d - several small people 


e - inside a house boat                         f - me in bed 

g - guy whose friend just died             h - door to hall 

i - waves outside window                    j - bathroom sink 


k - poop burrito                                    l - table with stuff on it 

m - french fries, silver surfer toy, two books 

n - guy                                                  o - lady with green puzzle mat 




.image below: green puzzle mat dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: waves outside house boat detail 





.image below: stuff on table detail 















.wake up




.image below: title: '[[_error_color_sequence_error_//_error_unknown_error_]]'




.      5        45        4575475         4         74          7        45547         57         457      




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