Monday, February 19, 2024

monday 19

monday 19



.image below: title: 'study in blue' 











.dream: in an art gallery, mural on a curved wall of a white calf and bob marley, guy standing 

next to me, a kid goes down to an electrical socket, a new room opens up behind the 

curved wall, me guy and kid go into new room, kid runs up against back wall then 

comes back to me, guy exits on the far left, 


.piano, table with chairs and a game of chutes and ladders, end scene, 


.in a room, master chief guy talking on a phone, i'm tying my boots, red 

laces on left boot, yellow laces on right boot, a lady is brought in on 

a stretcher, she had a seizure, i go outside, fixing my pant legs, two 

people on the right, they mention classifiers or classification or something, 

end scene, 


.luxury apartment building in china, i'm inside, taking a tour with a lady and another lady, 

i'm shown the office, go into office with one lady in a purple outfit, 


.bend her over desk, ask her how to take off her top, she takes off her top, i 

unzip her pants, preparing for sex, scene is interrupted, now 

i'm putting on a blue shirt, 


.outside on the patio, some people in chairs, chinese people are 

showing up, they say 'shien ti' to identify which region of china they're from, 

one guy says 'shen zao', different dialect, he's from a different part of china, 

now i'm putting on a brown shirt over the blue one, 

some tourists show up, action figure on the patio, end dream 



.a - art gallery                         b - curved wall with mural 

c - kid and electrical socket 


d - me and guy                        e - new room opens up 

f - piano                                   g - table and chutes and ladders game 


h - room in building                 i - master chief on phone 

j - tying my boots                     k - lady on stretcher 


l - adjusting my pants outside 

m - classifier people                 


n - luxury apartment building in china 

o - me and lady in purple          p - patio area 

q - my path                                r - people and tourists 




.image below: art gallery scene detail 





.image below: mural on curved wall detail 





.image below: boots and laces detail 





.image below: luxury apartment building in china, purple outfit and blue and brown 

shirts detail 






.dream: in a kitchen, mother is passed out over a counter, i ask her if she's ok, 

she says she can't even talk without getting her coffee, i go over to cabinet to get 

coffee, end scene, 


.in friend's house, g.h, friend's mother, d.h, is preparing food in the kitchen behind me, 

i'm looking out window, grey sand rolling down a sand hill, two people riding 

skateboards, i go outside, go over to the left, 


.large freezer type box, three ultra tiny rabbits in a tray of cheerios, in the freezer 

below are more cheerios, the rabbits seem to want to eat the cheerios below and 

don't realize they have the same cheerios in the tray they are in, i reach down into 

freezer, take out a cheerio, give it to biggest rabbit on the left, large rabbit 

starts eating cheerio, 


.the other two rabbits start to eat the cheerios in the tray, then all three rabbits 

jump across the freezer and into a bag of cinnamon raisin bread, i'm holding the 

bag of bread, big rabbit is near top of bag, the other two rabbits have disappeared, 


.i start to pull the bread out of the bag, now it's no longer cinnamon raisin bread 

but a vacuum cleaner with the largest rabbit's head and the front, a rabbit 

head vacuum cleaner, end dream 



.a - mother passed out on kitchen counter 

b - coffee in cabinet                             


c - friend's house, g.h 

d - friend's mother, d.h, preparing food 

e - me looking out window                  f - two people skateboarding on grey sand 


g - yard                                                 h - ocean 

i - large freezer type box                      j - three mini rabbits eating cheerios 

k - bag of cinnamon raisin bread          l - rabbit head vacuum cleaner 




.image below: two people skating in sand and three mini rabbits eating cheerios in tray detail 


.note: the girl skater went half way down the hill, the guy skater made it all the way 

down the hill, end note 





.image below: rabbit head vacuum cleaner detail 






.wake up




.absolutely fucking horrible diarrhea 


.image below: title: 'black and white upon orange and orange' 




.          7        37         3787837         3          83          8        33878       78        387     




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