Wednesday, February 7, 2024

wednesday 07

wednesday 07



.image below: title: 'blue on yellow' 





.dream: t-shirt in the back of a van, end scene, 


.on a ship, this ship is specifically designed for sailing on the western oceans and is 

fully equipped, see a guy i recognize, l.k, ship starts to move, going through an 

area called georgetown, a private dock is here for the ship, 


.outside, on an island, the inhabitants of the island used to eat fish but now they 

eat mostly shellfish, one guy is holding a fish tail, there are two breeds of salmon in 

the sea, the old kind, which had a fuller tail, and the new kind which has a 

reduced tail, the guy is holding the reduced tail of the newer salmon breed, 


.i'm eating rice, ask about noodles, this restaurant only has rice, now i'm eating 

meat, restaurant owner walks by, now i'm talking with two women, one lady was 

on medication, she became thinner with larger breasts, end scene, 


.in a basement talking with s.c, we were just in a car with some other people, 

i want to go skate, trying to convince s.c to come skateboarding with me, all the 

other people are gonna go smoke weed, cannot convince s.c to skate, he leaves to 

go smoke weed with the others, 


.i go out onto porch, modern helicopter flies by, two pilots in front, another normal 

helicopter flies by, look again at the modern chopper, two pilots in front and 

three in the back, 


.two motorcycle riders below, modern chopper flies by, motorcycle riders fall down, 

no injuries, the chopper reconsiders the falling of the riders, now the motorcycle riders 

have little cuts and scratches all over their bodies, 


.watching a movie, elon musk on my right, movie cuts to an ad for tesla film canisters, 

i walk out, end dream 



.a - t-shirt in back of van                     b - ship 

c - docking space in water                   d - guy holding fish tail 


e - me eating rice                                  f - restaurant owner 

g - lady and other lady                          h - me and s.c 

i - porch                                                 j - modern helicopter 


k - normal helicopter                             l - two motorcycle riders 

m - watching movie                               n - elon musk 

o - outside walkway 




.image below: modern salmon dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: private dock detail 





.image below: two types of fish tails detail 





.image below: modern helicopter detail 











.dream: i go over to e.w, kneel on the toes of her shoes, shoes are too big for her, 

she says they're the smallest shoes she could get in guam, end scene, 


.enter into a shower, some guy in the room, soap dispenser and bar soap, i use 

the soap dispenser, shower turns off, i turn it back on, three white towels on shower 

curtain rack, finish showering, look out window, 


.pizza delivery guy pulled up, mentions something about a new building and 

low income housing, end dream 



.a - me                                 b - e.w 

c - me in shower                  d - soap dispenser 


e - bar soap                           f - white towels 

g - some guy in room           h - pizza delivery guy 




.image below: soap dispenser, bar soap and white towels detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'a message in a bottle, found on the shore' 




.     7        67        6707067          6          06         0      76670       70        607      




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