Tuesday, February 13, 2024

tuesday 13

tuesday 13



.image below: title: 'study in teal' 





.dream: lying down in a dark room, brother is making bicycle maintenance sounds in 

other room, i have a computer tv with me, news, article about the war in israel in 

interesting prose, written in turkish then translated into english, i start to read, 

website goes to cnn, can't get back to news article, end scene, 


.my bike had an accident, handle bars gone, repaired, handle bars too low, 

can't ride bike, end scene, 


.w.l enters office, calls me by name, end scene, 


.in the office of an auto repair shop, lady getting her car fixed, doesn't want to 

pay more than one ninety eight, guy says price starts at one ninety, 


.guy with pins in his stomach, 


.kids in wolf skins sitting by a low red wall outside, wooden fence, end scene, 


.m.r comes up to me, i'm lying down, we're up on a high platform, people 

come and kneel on ground below us, seems like some kind of improv community 

theater, i'm talking to m.r about when we talked before, something about 

being shy and exposed nipples, end dream 



.a - bicycle maintenance noise                         b - me with computer tv 

c - activity                                                        d - w.l in office 


e - me in auto shop office                                 f - garage area 

g - guy with pins in stomach                            h - low red wall 


i - wooden fence                                               j - me 

k - m.r                                                               l - people kneeling on floor 




.image below: low red wall dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: low red wall and wooden fence detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/02/13/dream-13-feb-2024/




.dream: a lady falls down some stairs, injures her neck, a guy approaches, they 

have sex, end scene, 


.boats on the water, visual movement direction shift, wheeled military vehicle 

convoy on the road, may be mercedes vehicles, now i'm skateboarding down a hill, 

dragging my foot to not go too fast, end of road, guy lying down, end scene, 


.in a house, lady in a diaper, i approach, two guys on the floor, red crayon markings 

on the wall, end dream 



.a - guy and lady                         b - boats 

c - military vehicle convoy         d - skateboarding 


e - guy on street                           f - me in house 

g - two people                              h - red crayon writing on wall 




.image below: boats and vehicle convoy dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: boats and vehicle convoy detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'black with pink on white' 




.        6       16        1696196       1         91        9       61169        69          169      




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