Sunday, February 25, 2024

sunday 25

sunday 25



.image below: title: 'purple me yellow' 





.dream: in a dark room, on the floor, several sleeping mats, water on floor, i adjust 

my body position, friend's brother, a.s, is on a couch, end scene, 


.come into a camping site, volleyball net, i go around net, go up on a small grassy 

mound, the people up here are disfigured, shorter and much heavier than normal, 

end dream 



.a - dark room                         b - sleeping mats 

c - water on floor                    d - me 


e - friend's brother, a.s, on couch 

f - camp site                             g - volleyball net 

h - grassy mound                     i - disfigured people 




.image below: camp site detail 











.dream: a male and a female dog run out into a field, a younger female dog runs out 

after them, the three dogs run around some structure, the male dog then starts to 

hump the younger female dog, 


.the older female dog becomes a lady, the lady is looking at the hind ends of the 

two dogs as they fuck, the camera man tells the lady to get out of the picture, he 

just wants to film the dogs, end scene, 


.in some lady's house, sitting on a white stool, looking at a computer, the lady is 

in another room, engaged in some sexual activity, i go downstairs, talking to 

n.s, tell him i'd like to leave, go back home, get ready for school, 


.walking outside with n.s, he points out two smoldering pits to me in 

the neighbor's yard, i say they're probably cooking something, end scene, 


.on an indoor basketball court, red and white ball, granny shot, make, two more, 

misses, i go over to some desk, back on the court, friend's sisters, m.s and a.s, 

i replicate m.s's hand and give it to a.s, end scene, 


.walking on a road outside, grooves on right side of road, more grooves, a 

motorcycle guy drives on the grooves, drives up an angled wall, drives down, 

falls off his bike a bit, i give him a fist bump for a nice wall ride, 


.walking next to a skatepark, this is the eatonville skatepark, just four miles up 

the main road on my way back home, skatepark is on the right and below, 

more like a carnival than a skatepark, i drop down into it, end dream 



.a - male and female dog                 b - younger female dog 

c - lady                                             d - in a lady's house 


e - me and n.s                                   f - two smoldering pits in neighbor's yard 

g - indoor basketball court               h - friend's sisters, m.s and a.s 


i - grooves in concrete on side of road 

j - motorcycle rider                           k - angled wall 

l - eatonville skatepark 




.image below: dogs in field scene detail 





.image below: smoldering pits in neighbor's yard scene detail 





.image below: basketball and replicated hand detail 





.image below: motorcycle angled wall ride detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'munch, bland munch' 




.     6        46        4696946         4         94        9        44969         69          649     




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