Monday, February 26, 2024

monday 26

monday 26



.image below: title: 'yellow me blue' 















.dream: in a dark room, lights come on, around ten o'clock, i'm on the floor, a large 

korean man in blue jeans is bending over, i'm looking up at his butt, i get up, 

go over by door, wearing a kind of purple robe with green fluffy cuffs, phone 

rings, it's for me, 


.go over to phone, hard to hear guy on other end, reception gets a bit better but 

not much, the guy asks me to turn up the volume on phone, i look on phone, lots 

of writing but i can't see any volume adjustment, guy says on the right, i don't 

know where on the right, right high ..., right low ..., i see some ELF ERF markings, 

different cable connections, 


.looking at bottom of phone now, deeper color, funny wobble vision, like i'm 

looking at a sphere through a circus mirror magnifying glass, can't find 

volume adjustment, end scene, 


.flying in a room, using my arms for lift and control, this is new, face up and 

feet first, loop around room, red ballon on string, i pick it up, go around room, blue 

balloon, no string, pick it up, come around to a couple sitting, give them blue balloon, 

come around to where i got red balloon, give it to someone, right as i let go the 

balloon flashes blue then goes back to red, end scene, 


.on a porch, fuzzy bee climbs up on a orange strap, i touch it, bee gets bigger, i 

use my hand powers to make fuzzy bee bigger, now it's a big loaf of wheat spore 

bread, i expand the bread so much that all the wheat spores start to break out 

of the darker brown crust membrane, two people take charge of the wheat spore 

bread, 'what's next ...' someone asks, 'we'll watch you poop embryos for a while' 

the lady responds, end scene, 


.outside, criminal floating in the river, getting away, i follow the criminal, criminal 

guy goes into his house, goes to his bug case, his wife comes in, i go in between 

two doors, attic access above, i prop it open with something round, on the porch now, 


.porch is surrounded by netting, trapped, i start to rip through the netting, white 

inflatable float appears, i straddle it, float up higher, rip through netting, i'm free, 


.market below, i float down, guy and his son approach, the kid got into a fight, 

dad guy asks my advice, i say the son may have been bullied by someone smaller 

and finally beat up the bully, dad and son leave, 


.a fat red jelly pus slug with a two pronged stinger is on the ground, it sticks 

me with its stinger, i pick up the fat red pus jelly body, put it into a small 

basket of beans, leave the market, put beans on ground, guy enters market, i 

point to my ankle where the stinger is, 


.approach a BBQ fork on the ground, start to write notes in the 

dirt of the dream, end dream 



.a - lights come on in room             b - me on floor 

c - large korean man in blue jeans 


d - me in a robe                                e - door to other room 

f - door to hall                                  g - phone call 

h - me flying, using arms                 i - red balloon on string 


j - blue balloon, no string                 k - young couple 

l - fuzzy bee on orange strap            m - loaf of wheat spore bread 

n - me and two people                      o - river 


p - guy and his bug case                    q - wife of guy 

r - entrance to attic                             s - porch and netting 

t - inflatable object                              u - escape from porch 


v - outdoor market                               w - guy and his son 

x - red jelly-pus slug inserts two pronged stinger into my right ankle 

y - small basket of beans and guy              

z - two pronged BBQ cooking fork, notes 




.image below: wheat spore bread dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: telephone detail 





.image below: balloons detail 





.image below: fuzzy bee becomes wheat spore bread detail 





.image below: inflatable float on porch detail 





.image below: fat red jelly pus slug with two pronged stinger detail 





.image below: small basket of beans detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'not a rainbow' 




.       6         46         4676476        4          74         7       46774        67        476     




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