Friday, February 2, 2024

friday 02

friday 02



.image below: title: 'orange on blue' 





.dream: in a bedroom with friend's brother, a.s, he's getting ready for an 

eating contest, forty feet of fish meat, he's got a bunch of honey packets in 

a blanket, end scene, 


.in a side cave area, may be a trailer, my temples start to throb, the 

temple muscle guy enters the area, i'll walk around and rub my temples, 

end dream 



.a - bedroom                             b - friend's brother, a.s 

c - packets of honey                 d - me 


e - side cave trailer area           f - me 

g - temple muscle guy 




.image below: honey packets and temple muscles detail 











.dream: eating in a restaurant, end scene, 


.on a bed with ex-girlfriend, rubbing the back of her neck, she says she's 

orgasming, a guy comes in with some pills, i don't want one, girlfriend takes a 

red pill, end scene, 


.walking in south carolina, on a navy training base, angled wall on right, two guys 

and dog in front of me, they head off to the chow hall, i exit angled wall area, 

end scene, 


.strapped to a bed in the back of a moving vehicle, several women around me, 

one lady is straddling a guy with no lower legs, a lady asks me if i want something 

to eat, i decline, thank her for the suggestion, time slows down when i say 

suggestion, i rephrase with recommendation, lady mentions a spell, 


.i say that all i want to 

do is talk about gullah, a language spoken on some of the islands off the coast of 

south carolina, some of these women grew up speaking gullah, i ask where the 

islands are from our current location, one lady with a good sense of direction 

points out the window on my left, now i'm able to identify our direction of 

travel, moving north up the coast of south carolina, 


.vehicle wobbles after i say 'new york city, florida', vehicle stops, my bed is 

being wheeled outside, a lady removes several green tubes from my body, 

tune plays in my head, a bit ominous like i'm about to die, end dream 



.a - eating in a restaurant 

b - me and ex-girlfriend in bed 


c - person with pills                         d - me in south carolina 

e - dog and two guys                        f - to chow hall 


g - me in bed in vehicle                    h - women 

i - to islands off coast of south carolina 

j - left turn                                         k - green hoses from my body 




.image below: angled wall scene detail 





.image below: green tubes detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'a message, a face-to-face spoken message' 




.      5       45         4575475         4         74          7       47754        57          547      




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