Wednesday, February 21, 2024

wednesday 21

wednesday 21



.image below: title: 'study in beige' 





.dream: riding in a cement truck convoy, in the middle of the lead truck, bucket of 

fizzy liquid on my left, another one in front of me, in the bucket of fizzy liquid in 

front of me is the blue hat of the guy sitting up in front, 


.a fire breaks out in a cement truck in the back, convoy turns around to the left, 

a team of fire fighters has extinguished the fire, there are also a bunch of helicopters 

associated with this cement truck convoy, during the fire, most of the helicopter 

rotors started spinning in the opposite direction, this caused a wind gust event, 


.a weather man and weather lady have both analyzed this wind gust event, 

they both have maps and wind data, the guy is able to account for the 

inverse rotor direction in his head and puts it down on the map, 


.the weather lady has to invert her map to account for the opposite rotor direction, 


.now both the weather man's and weather woman's wind gust data and maps 

are combined in a final wind gust event data map, the wind gust event 

had its epicenter around seattle, end dream 



.a - cement truck convoy                     b - me 

c - bucket of fizzy liquid and blue hat 


d - fire breaks out in another cement truck 

e - fire extinguishing crew                   f - rotor blades spin opposite way 


g - weather man and his data               h - weather woman and her data, inverted map 

i - combined data showing wind gust event epicenter 




.image below: cement truck convoy and wind gust event dream 





.image below: blue hat in fizzy liquid detail 





.image below: weather people and wind gust event data maps detail 


.note: the weather man was sitting and weather lady was standing, end note 











.dream: a guy, a.n, is talking, end scene, 


.in a classroom, eating potato chips, i intentionally spill some on the floor, 

bending over on the floor like i'm pooping, a lady comes out from a back booth, 

thinks i'm pooping, i tell her i spilled some chips on the floor, i yell it out loud 

so everyone in the room can hear, 


.sitting on a couch with the lady, drawing what's all going on in the room, 


.teacher's and students, female assistant teacher on the left, male teacher on 

left, male teacher on right, female teacher in middle, she acts as the lead teacher, 


.a guy, e.p, comes out from the back, comes out again, he just drew something, 

his mom bought it for a dollar, i went to elementary school with e.p, he comes 

near, i remind him of the time on the bus where we were testing our arm strength, 

we do it again, pushing our arms against each other, 


.e.p says he hasn't felt this sensation in a long time, he then reminds me of 

the time where we were running on a track and i lapped him, end dream 



.a - a.n talking                                 b - classroom 

c - potato chips on carpet                d - back booth area 


e - me and lady on couch                 f - assistant teacher, female 

g - teacher on left, male                   h - teacher on right, male 


i - middle teacher, woman, also acts as lead teacher 

j - e.p                                                k - window, running track outside 




.image below: potato chips on rug on floor detail 





.image below: classroom and teachers detail 





.image below: arm strength test detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'internal root structure' 




.     5         35          3565635        3          63            6        35563         56          365    




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