Wednesday, May 1, 2024

wednesday 01

wednesday 01



.image below: title: 'from hours to minutes and back again' 











.dream: just left a restaurant in turkey, in a room, guy, punching bag hanging, 

shoes under punching bag, guy has a skateboard, tail is broken, i grab my good 

board, leave room, end scene, 


.walking in grass, ocean on my right, lots of bees, large bee on my right hand, head 

goes away, i pick off the body, guts spill out from bee body, end scene, 


.j.g and people singing on a pillar, mother playing a guitar, end scene, 


.enter a room, brother and mother just ate breakfast, tv is on too loud, tbs, i 

turn down volume to fifteen with buttons on the tv itself, end scene, 


.naked lady on the porch, computer, i go outside, wrap her in a blanket, 

she sits on my leg, blue pen in my right hand, aunt comes outside, offers 

lady a small winnie the pooh t-shirt, may be too small for her, end dream 



.a - eating in turkey                         b - room with guy 

c - hanging punching bag 


d - skateboard, blue wheels             e - other skateboard, tail broken 

f - shoes 


g - bee on left hand                           h - j.g and people singing 

i - mother with guitar 

j - tv on in room, tbs                          k - mother and brother 




.image below: punching bag, skateboards and shoes 





.image below: bee on my left hand 





.image below: tv, too loud 





.image below: supporting lady on porch 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'investigating the fine line between dark yellow and not yellow' 




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