Thursday, May 9, 2024

thursday 09

thursday 09



.image below: title: 'from years to decades and back again' 











.dream: ... pain and fatigue, refer to labels ... 


.submarine scene, 


.basketball scene, 


.sleepover scene: crayons, no apple color, dive gear in shower, ... end dream 



.a - submarine, water in bottom 

b - me                                             c - navy chief 


d - hose with fitting and butter knife 

e - basketball court                         f - basket one 

g - basket two 


h - sleep over, people on floor 

i - me on end                                   j - two young girls and crayons 

k - bedroom 


l - bathroom                                     m - dive gear in shower 

n - notebooks 

o - karate pants 

p - maid lady                                     q - joke guy 




.image below: hose with fitting and butterknife 


.image below: basketball scene 
.image below: two girls and color crayons 
.image below: dive gear and notebooks in shower 









.wake up




.image below: title: 'what is blue ... really ...' 




.      4        24       2454254       2        52         5       42552       45        245     




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