Friday, May 3, 2024

friday 03

friday 03



.image below: title: 'from weeks to days and back again' 





.dream: in a room, a.n across from me, asks me to look at something, his 

dick is out, not healthy, bruise on his dick head, overall unhealthy appearance, 

he may have been jerking off too much, i tell him he needs to take a few days 

off, end scene, 


.in a vehicle, moving in a parking lot, some lady driving, store fronts, lady 

says something, i get out, enter pharmacy, i was here earlier, some guy 

in pharmacy now, pharmacy lady as well, the guy wants to fill his prescription, 


.pharmacy lady keeps asking him questions, green apple something, pine cone 

something, end scene, 


.computer puzzle, i move my cursor over it, the sides are done, flash, seem like 

legs, madonna's too busy to appear, president in middle, i go over the top part, 

not flashing, end dream 



.a - a.n                                 b - me 

c - vehicle in parking lot 


d - store fronts                     e - me in pharmacy 

f - some guy 


g - pharmacy lady 

h - computer puzzle 




.image below: pharmacy scene 





.image set below: computer puzzle 















.wake up




.feeling tired 


.image below: title: 'on the darker side of yellow' 




.      5        45         4585845            4          84         8       55484         58       548      




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