Thursday, May 23, 2024

thursday 23

thursday 23



.image below: title: 'time management, fail, pain management, fail' 





.dream: table, people, beach, green whistle frisbee, i blow into it lightly, end scene, 


.on a train, turns left, my intersection is up ahead, quicker to jump off train and walk 

than to wait on the train while it turns around, i jump off, two people jump off 

behind me, walking towards intersection, sun goes down, 


.approach a house, some guys parents live there, all they really eat are corn dogs, 

very cheap, cheapest on the base, only eighty two cents for a dozen, come 

to door, lady opens, named 'la luna', someone has two blue gem stones on 

their feet, end dream 



.a - approach people at a table 

b - two people walk off to beach 


c - green whistle frisbee 

d - train                                     e - i get off train 

f - two people behind me 


g - train continues on tracks 

h - intersection                         i - house 

j - lady named 'la luna'

k - gem stones on feet 




.image below: green whistle frisbee and foot gem stones 





.image below: jumping off train scene 











.dream: having sex with ex-girlfriend, end scene, 


.walking through a mall, enter a room, very short lady, i squat down, her 

skin is horribly wrinkled and unhealthy, she touches the back of my right 

forearm, end dream 






.dream: on a country dirt road, enter a home, family friends, back on the road, 

brother is concerned about some turtle frogs in road, end scene, 


.train going up a mountain, the beating hearts of a hundred thirty five 

people help it to keep time, another train comes down the mountain, 


.torpedo treaty comment something, 


.people exit a large doorway in mountain, the ground starts to crumble beneath 

their feet, the ground and people fall into water below, end scene, 


.a cougar and cougar cub are wrestling, end scene, 


.outside, teaching a guy how to fly, he manages to fly a bit, i take a 

sip from a bottle of chili sauce, end scene, 


.outside, three women approach, one lady has a skateboard, she skates into 

a park, another lady may have on roller skates, the other lady is pushing a 

baby carriage, end dream 



.a - country dirt road 

b - house, family friends 


c - brother on road                      d - turtle frogs 

e - train on tracks up mountain 

f - train on tracks down from mountain 


g - mountain doorway                h - ground collapses 

i - water below 

j - cougar and cougar cub wrestling 


k - teaching a guy to fly              l - chili sauce 

m - three women 

n - skatepark 




.image below: turtle frogs and mountain train scene 





.image below: cougars and chili sauce 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'ultimate bran flakes, ultimate nutrition' 




.      4       24        2484824         2         82        8         44282       48        428     




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